The Capitol

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When we get to the Justice Building, mom and Prim are already in a room. I walk in, and peacekeepers shut the door behind us. I go sit on the velvet love seat, and prim curls up in my lap. Mom sits next to me. "Katniss, listen, you can win. Come home to me and mom. We could live a a huge house in Victor's Village. Please Katniss, try to win. You can hunt, and your fast and smart." "I promise Prim, I will come home to you. It's not going to be easy, plus I don't want to live without Peeta. But, maybe there's a way we can both win." "Times up!" Says one of the peacekeepers. I tell mom,"you can't leave again, not like how you did after dad died. There's no more me to take care of her, do not, no mater what happens to me, leave Prim alone." "I won't Katniss I promise. I have medicines that can prevent that from happening." "Okay good. Come here" I pull them both in a hug, and I tell them I love them. The peacekeeper pulls them out. That was the last time I would get to see my sister. Then Gale walks in. He immediately pulls me into a hug. He says the same things as Prim did, about finding a bow, or making one. About finding water, food, and shelter. Then a peacekeeper comes in and tells him it's time to go. Gale kisses me full on the lips, tells me he has, does, and always will love me, and I slap him. The peacekeeper takes him away. Then 2 peacekeepers escort me to the train platform where Peeta and thousands of camera crews are waiting for our departure. Peeta and I board the train. We go to our rooms, but I soon go to Peeta's. I walk in and hug him, and then we start to kiss. It gets uber heated. Tongues clashing, clothes flying everywhere. We fall asleep holding hands. When I wake up, I see a naked Peeta next to me. I then remember last night. I smile. I turn over to go to my room and take a shower, but Peeta instantly wakes up. "Hey gorgeous" he says to me. "Hey handsome, I'm gonna borrow your shower. We stink." "Okay let me join you." We walk into the huge bathroom, and step into the shower room. The shower room is just this huge shower that could easily hold 5 people. There are 4 shower heads. We turn warm water on, and start to scrub. Then something occurs to me. "Hey Peeta did you use a condom last night?" "Yeah babe of course, I just took it off right after you went to sleep." Thank Jesus he did. I wouldn't want to bring a child into this world with what I'm about to go through. When we get done showering, we go to the dining train. Haymitch and Effie are already there. "Have fun last night kids?" He asks. "How did you know I was in his room?" I ask. "One, when Effie went to see where y'all were after we boarded the train, she checked your room to see if you were in there, but you weren't, and Peeta's door was locked and closed. Two, my room is next to Peeta's so I could here you bumping around in there. Three, this train echoes, and I could hear every word you said in the shower this morning. And yes, we do supply condoms. They're in the infirmary part of the train." I look over at Peeta, and I see he is as red as me. We sit down to eat, and then a little kid comes in the room. "Mommy, Daddy, I hungry." "Okay sweetie, hang on, let's find you something to eat." Effie says. Wait, Effie and Haymitch have a daughter? "Effie you have a daughter?" Peeta asks. "Yes and a little boy on the way. I'm 3 months pregnant." "Congrats" Peeta and I say at the same time. Effie thanks us and then walks off to find her little girl some food. While we eat, we tell Haymitch our talents. I can shoot, hunt, and throw knives. Peeta can wrestle, find plants, and fight with swords and spears. Haymitch tells us how to find shelter and how to find water. Then we arrive in the Capitol. Our prep teams come and get us ready. I have Venia, Flavious, and Octavia. My stylist they tell me, is Cinna. Octavia rids me of all the hair on my body, Flavious works on my hair, and Venia does my nails and toenails and makeup. They give me a robe, and then take me to Cinna. We start to talk, and I start to like him. He seems very nice. He has caramel skin, with close cropped black hair, and just a tinge of gold eyeliner. Plus, he lacks the Capitol accents. Once he gets me ready, he takes me to the rooftop. "Katniss, I have something to tell you" the wind is really loud so no one will overhear us. We talk for a while, and then I go back inside, shocked about what he just told me. We eat dinner, and then our prep teams fix our makeup, and sends me to Cinna to get dressed. He fixes my hair and makeup the way he wants it, and then dresses me. I'm dressed in a black top that comes to my ribs, and it has a sweetheart neckline. My shorts are short, and they are also black. My cape hangs to my knees. Cinna hands me a power pack to hold and tells me to switch it on when I'm ready. Peeta and I get on the chariot, and hold hands. We turn on our power packs, and we are on fake fire. I'm the girl on fire!!!!We blow kisses to the crowd, and the shout out names. The president gives a speech about the honor of being here, and then we go back to the training center. I go to my room, take a shower, and fall asleep thinking about what cinna told me. when the mines exploded, he escaped, and went the wrong way, going to the Capitol. He's dyed his skin dark, and his hair black. He wears color contacts. I think about what he told me before I left. Cinna is my father.



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