This is a story about Katniss and Peeta in the Hunger Games. It is a remix were they have always been in love, so it is not an act. (This is my first story so please be understanding guys!)
Not sure how realistic this will be, never given birth before obviously
MADGE: I feel something run down my leg. Water..... My water broke!!!!!! "GALE" I scream as pain overtakes me. "What's wrong?" "My water broke, I'm in labor, about to have your child!!!!" I scream at him. He goes and calls Katniss who is now 6 1/2 months along. Her and Peeta come in with a medical bag. "Mom and Prim are out in 3 helping set up a hospital" Katniss explains. I scream again as another contraction hits. Gale holds my hand and Peeta gets some towels and goes to run some water in the giant tub upstairs. Katniss told me water would help with pain. "Madge, separate your legs, I need to check how dilated you are." I do as she says. I'm glad she's back from her 6 month trip to the Capitol and the victory tour. They're having a little girl. Katniss tells me they're naming her Willow. "Madge your only at 1. You have to be at 10 to push." She tells me. This is going to be a while. Peeta comes back downstairs and tells us that the water is ready. Gale picks me up and carries me up the stairs. I scream.
*5 hours later*
"Madge your at 8, your doing good." Katniss tells me. Only 2 more to go. Gale kisses me on my face and neck and wipes the sweat off my face.
*3 hours later*
"Okay Madge your fully dilated, when I say push, push okay?" I nod. "PUSH" I push super hard and scream in agony. "PUSH" I push yet again, hard. "4 more big pushes and this baby will be out. PUSH" "PUSH, PUSH" "PUSH!!!" I yell and scream and wail as I push. I hear the cries of my child. I try to sit up, but I feel another contraction. Katniss hands the baby to Gale. "OKAY PUSH!!" "PUSH" I cry and scream as I push harder than ever before. "I can't. No more. Please." I whimper. "You got it babe just 5 more. 5 more and we'll have 2 beautiful children." Gale tells me. I nod. "PUSH PUSH" "PUSH!!" "PUSH PUSH PUSH!!!" I scream and then I feel relief. I hear more cries. "Congratulations you have 2 beautiful girls!" Katniss tells me.
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Abbey and Adabelle Hawthorne.
Abbey Marre Hawthorne: Born December 16, 2333, 5:23 PM 7 pounds 9 ounces
Adabelle Gray Hawthorne: Born December 16, 2333, 5:34 PM 7 pounds 3 ounces
AN: so what do y'all think cool huh? I'm think that later on she'll have twin boys cause that's pretty cool so byeeeeeeeee