This is a story about Katniss and Peeta in the Hunger Games. It is a remix were they have always been in love, so it is not an act. (This is my first story so please be understanding guys!)
Katniss looked amazing during the tribute parade. Everyone calls her the girl on fire. I'm going over to Gale and Rory's house now. Even though I'm only about to turn 13, I'm sure I love Rory. He's gorgeous. Curly dark hair, blue eyes.
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Most of the girls at school think he's ugly, but I know the truth. Plus he's super kind and loyal. And he has abs. I knock on the Hawthorne's door. Vick answers it. "Hey Prim" "Hey Vick where's Rory?" "Hey Prim" Rory says. Vick goes back to his room. They all have rooms because their dad won one of the games. I think it was the 55 games. When he died, the Capitol let them keep it since he died in their mines. It's a wonder none of the kids have been reaped yet. Me and Rory kiss. He then picks me up bridal style and takes me over to where their tv is. Tonight they are showing the training scores. I know Katniss will get a good score. So will Peeta. Gale comes downstairs with Madge. "Guys, Madge is pregnant" Gale tells us. "Congrats Madge!!! How far?" I ask. "2 months. The day Katniss and Peeta get back I will be 4 months." "I can't wait until I'm old enough to have kids!" I say. Rory smiles at me and tells me that you have to be 16 to get married, so I only have 3 years to go. I'm guessing I will marry Rory. I do love him. And he loves me. I can see in his eyes. Plus, most people see me and think I'm 15. I'm tall, and those years after my father passed made me mature. ******* training score time*********
So far everyone's gotten ok scores. "Katniss Everdeen" I hear. "With a score of 11!" 11!!!! She's gonna come back to me!!!! And Peeta got a 10!! They're coming home!!!!!!
********** time skip to Prim's BDay!**
Today I'm turning 13!!! Rory is coming to get me at 10:30 for my surprise.
I hear Rory coming inside. "Prim?" "Getting ready, hang on!!" I'm dressed in a blue dress that makes my eyes pop and I have my silky hair down. Rory tells me I look beautiful and kisses me. He takes me by the hand and leads me out the door. His hands are so sweaty. He's nervous about something. I don't know what, but he is. He takes me to the meadow. There is a huge feast. And 2 presents. "The big one is from Katniss. She sent it from the Capitol before she went into the arena." I open it. It's mom old dress. At least I still have some things left of her. Once she knew Katniss was going to the games, she cut herself and committed suicide. And there's a box of cookies and fabric to make clothes. And something called makeup. Oh well, I find out what it is later. I then open the next box. It has an envelope in it. I rip it open. There is 500 hundred dollars in there!!! "Rory thanks!!" I look up to see him on one knee. "Rory?" "Don't worry, just listen. Prim, I have loved you from age 10. We started dating right after the reaping. You told me you've loved me since you were ten. I'm now 15. Your 13. I'm not proposing, this is a promise ring. Primrose Lily Everdeen, do you promise to be mine until I propose?" "Yes Rory!" "The day you turn 15, this ring turns into an engagement ring. I love you so much Prim." I love you to Rory."
Okay prim POV cool right?! Short chapter, k bye I gtg to work now😕. Word count: 634