Chap3: My Sunshine Is Unsociable

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Chapter 3: JB's POV

Thank god I was quick to catch up to them. I know Jinyoung will kill me for inviting myself to their lunch but damn, I just can't take my eyes off of this beautiful creature in front my office! I'm really interested and I plan on getting to know him with or without Jinyoung's consent.

I watched for a moment and anger flickered on Jinyoung's eyes before he sighed heavily.

That's right Jinyoung-ah. You're gonna have to give in. You have no choice in this coz I am Im Jaebum and I get what I want.

"Jaebum hyung this is Youngjae my brother. Jae this is my Jaebum hyung," he introduced, tone a bit annoyed if you ask me. Tsk, this brat.

After smirking and exchanging a short glare with Jinyoung I focused my attention to my cute office guy. So his name is Youngjae. Beautiful.

"Hi Youngjae. It's nice to finally put a name to the beautiful face I've been staring for a while," I said confidently, smiling at him as I extend my arm for a handshake. I can feel Mark hyung's amused smirk and Jinyoung's glare but I didn't care. My sole focus is on this sunshine in front of me. My sunshine.

Youngjae seems hesitant to take my hand though. He looks like he's ready to pass out and his hands were trembling. I wonder what's wrong. Is he that nervous to meet me?

He stared at Jinyoung as if communicating silently with him. I saw Jinyoung smile lovingly towards him and nodded.

Still hesitantly, Youngjae raised his trembling hands and held my waiting one. I held his hand firm and shook it. It was really soft but it was rather cold. Is he feeling cold?

"N-nice to meet you, M-Mr. Im," he stuttered he was looking down and never meeting my eyes.

"Please call me Jaebum hyung," I replied. I released his arm and he instantly shuffled behind Mark. Mark on the other hand pulled him to his front and hugged him, rubbing his back soothingly. I felt a pang of jealousy wash over me.

I heard Youngjae released a sigh. "You okay?" Mark asked him softly. Youngjae nodded and smiled before attaching himself beside Jinyoung. That one smiled at Youngjae and dragged the younger towards the elevator.

"Let's go, I'm hungry," Jinyoung said and we soon found ourselves walking out of the office.

The drive to the restaurant was quiet. I don't want to part from them so I rode with them. Mark was driving and I was on the passenger's seat. Jinyoung and Youngjae were at the back seat talking about some books.

I keep glancing at the backseat through the mirror. Youngjae seems so at ease and comfortable around Jinyoung and Mark. He doesn't stutter nor cast his eyes down. But is he like that to everyone else? Earlier while I was observing him from my office I can see he doesn't like it when other employees talk to him.

Arriving at the restaurant, Jinyoung asked for a booth. Once there, I was planning to seat beside Youngjae but my dear best fried beat me to it so I grumpily sat across my sunshine and Mark sat beside me, chuckling. He's definitely amused with his husband's antics.

"Good noon, sirs! I'm Al and I'll be your waiter for this lunch!" The waiter greeted while handing us the menus. "What drinks would you like to have?"

"I'll go with coke," I said, eyes still buried on the menu.

"Make that 2 cokes, a glass of orange juice and what do you want Jae?" Jinyoung asked. I was about to comment on his rudeness for not calling me hyung then I realized he was referring to Youngjae. Oh, that's right, we both have Jae in our name. I think it's fate.

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