Chap 6: Confessions and Cuddles

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On the side: Jaebum's living room

Chapter 6: Jaebum's POV

So in the end Jinyoung can't do anything about it. Mark and the others eventually decided to push through their idea of spending the weekend at his rest house leaving me and Youngjae here at the city. I thought it would make Youngjae sad to be left alone with me but turned out he was excited for the exhibit.

"H-hyung what should I wear? Is it something formal?" He asked from his bedroom. I was in his apartment an hour earlier and he was surprised to see me but nonetheless he let me in. And as of the moment he was preparing for our date.

"Wear anything comfortable Youngjae-ah, casual is fine," I told him. I'm excited for this date too. I'd finally get a chance to have some alone time with him and I was also thinking of telling him about my intentions and our lifestyle. I'm quite nervous. I just hope he won't run away from me after I tell him.

Shortly after, my sunshine stepped out of his room wearing a black ripped jeans and a loose three fourths shirt along with a fedora hat. "I-Is this okay hyung?" he asked shyly.

Are you kidding me? That's more than okay! You look fucking edible!

"Uhm.. Yes that's fine. You look great," I complimented and as if on cue his cheeks got tinted. I also came to realize he stutter less when talking to me now. That's a good sign. "You ready? We can head there now if you want."

"Uhm, yeah, sure."

On the car ride towards the venue Youngjae has totally warmed up to me. It's when I momentarily forgot that he's the shy and quietYoungjae I have met till now coz he has been talking really animatedly. He told me about his love for music, his hobby of singing and making songs he also told me that if he didn't take up literature he'd probably choose music to major. He also told me that it was trough music that he met Yugyeom and eventually Jinyoung.

My heart swells in happiness hearing him talk longer than usual. I'm also glad that he willingly told me this himself. I can't also hide the curiosity as to how and why such a bright sunshine like him became so afraid of people. Something must have happened to him to retreat into his shell and shut himself to everyone else. But of course I won't force him to tell me that. Not yet.

When we arrived at the gallery he practically leaped out of my car and urging me to hurry. This is the first time I'm seeing him like this – happy, excited, smiling nonstop like a kid. It's very adorable and I can't help but to fall deeper.

"Wow, this place is like heaven!" he said as we finally made it inside the gallery. Everything around us was related to music, from the paintings, the sculptures and the photographs.I happily followed Youngjae behind and he skipped across the wide halls from one art work to another. All of these seem to make him ignore the fact that there are people around him too. In normal occasions, him being in a place with this number of people will make him convulse already.

For a brief moment I left Youngjae's side to talk to JunK hyung. He's the artist of this amazing exhibit. I let Youngjae wander around as I congratulate JunK hyung.

"Hey Jaebum-ah! I'm happy you made it!" JunK hyung greeted.

"Of course hyung! I wouldn't miss seeing your work, this is amazing! Congratulations hyung!"

"Thanks man. Are you alone? I thought I saw someone with you earlier?" He asked, scanning around the place.

"Yeah, I brought someone with me. I should introduce you to him but he seems to have wandered somewhere," I chuckled aloud. "He's ecstatic to see your exhibit hyung."

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