Chap15: Run Away

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Chapter 15: JB's POV

Something's wrong.

Something's definitely wrong.

My sunshine has been acting really weird a lot lately. He seems to be reverting to his old self – the quiet, extremely shy and stuttering Youngjae. It began when he broke his phone for some reason. He claimed he accidentally broke it but he looked so nervous while telling me. At first I thought he was only scared that I would scold him, but that's not it. I can tell something's bothering him.

I tried talking to him, get him to tell me what's wrong but he always insisted that he's fine. I can see otherwise though. I have observed him being very wary in the office – always looking at his phone, at the door or standing close to the glass walls over viewing the entrance of the building from our floor. It's like he's nervously waiting for something. I did tried taking his phone and see what's going on but he never let it go.

One night I cornered him before we went to bed. I asked if he was hiding something from me but he strongly denied it. I don't want to argue and force him on telling me coz I might only lose my temper, seeing how stubborn he is, and do something I'd regret. I believed in him when he said he trusted me so I will wait until he's ready to tell whatever it is that's troubling him.

As the days go by, things have gotten worse. I often observe him from my office and I noticed how he'd jump and flinch when his phone rings. Several times he'd walk away to talk to whoever it is on the other line and when he's back on his table, his hands are visibly shaking. This alarmed me. Without him knowing, I had asked Taecyeon hyung and the rest of the security team to keep an eye on him. I have also hired extra guards to follow him around when he's not with me. So far nothing has happened except that everyone whose keeping an eye on him has noticed how he nervously look around his surroundings everywhere he went.


I was on a meeting with a few writers and event organizers when my secretary handed me her phone and said it was something important. When she said it was Taecyeon hyung, I excused myself immediately and went out to the balcony of the café we were dining to answer the call.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Mr. Im, Youngjae left the building about an hour ago! We don't know where he went!" Taecyeon hyung hurriedly reported. I can hear Yugyeom's voice in the background talking to the company's security team.

"What?! Didn't I tell you to keep an eye on him! Where are his bodyguards?" I angrily barked at him.

"We thought he had a meeting to go to so we didn't suspect. We did inform his bodyguards about his departure and we were sure they followed the taxi he rode. Few minutes ago Yugyeom came to me and asked on Youngjae's whereabouts and so I told him that he had a meeting. He said that's weird coz no meetings for editors were scheduled this week. Just then the guards called me and said Youngjae took the train to Mokpo. They followed him but they lost him among the crowd when they arrived on the terminal. "

My hands were shaking in both disappointment and worry. Where the heck is he going?

I hang the phone and returned it to my secretary. I went back to the meeting and apologized for my sudden exit, telling them that there's an emergency and that I'd let my secretary handle the meeting for me. I gave my secretary a few instructions before dashing to the parking lot. Before I drove, I checked my phone and that's when I saw few missed calls from one of the bodyguards and another from Taecyeon hyung. Damn, why did I put my phone on silent!

I swiftly left the café and drove my car out of the parking area. As I drove towards the highway, I received another call from Youngjae's bodyguard.

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