Things Have Changed For Me, And That's Okay

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"No, I'm fine," Gerard's talking on the phone with someone when I get back into the cab. It took me about twenty minutes to change out of my clothes, and grab a pistol. I also contacted my client to ask what the hell that was about.

All they said was that I had taken too long. I assured that I was still trying to finish him off though. I don't want anyone taking that money but me. It's mine, and I want it paid to me.

"Mikey I'm fine!" Gerard says exasperatedly into the phone. "No, he's okay, it was just his shoulder."

I can't actually hear the other side of the conversation but it's not too difficult to guess who it is. The cabbie pulls away from my building and starts heading in the direction for Gerard's apartment. I've never been inside it before, though I've seen the outside plenty of times.

"Well Frank saved me," Gerard says, and I blush slightly. I feel a little weird driving in this car with him with my gun. I changed out of the suit in favor of just a sweater and jeans, because it's way more comfortable.

"No, I don't know, he just saw the laser thing and-," I presume that Mikey interrupts him. Gerard rolls his eyes and then looks at me and smiles. He's so damn cute, even when he's annoyed.

"Just calm down, Mikey!" Gerard says after a minute, "I told them they could put security on me or whatever."

"Alright, fine, I won't leave the house," Gerard says, after Mikey apparently gives him an instruction to stay indoors. "Yes, I'll cover all the windows."

"No, you don't need to come over, Frank's staying with me tonight," he continues. I blush again. That sounds so suggestive and I hope to god that Mikey isn't presumptuous.

It seems to take forever for Gerard to get rid of him, but eventually he does hang up when someone else is apparently calling him. How many people does he know that need to call him at ten o'clock at night?

Gerard groans when he sees the caller ID and mouths the word "publicist" to me. This particular call doesn't last as long as the last because just quickly explains what's going on and then hangs up.

"You know you can't really blame people for being worried," I say.

"I get worried, but what I don't get is the overprotectiveness. Do you think I want to be shot at? Mikey seems to think I'm not keeping myself safe enough."

"Well he's not wrong when he says you should stay inside."

"Oh god, you're not going to patronize me too are you?" Gerard asks looking hopeless.

"Um, no sorry," I answer, "it's just that... Gerard I don't want to see you hurt."

Perfect timing because the cab stops as soon as I say that and it allows me to look away to hide the fact that I've turned scarlet. I step out quickly and allow my hands to fall across my face to try and erase the stupid. I pull them away and look around.

Even though it's dangerous, I always have loved New York at night. The city lights and the sound of cars passing by in the quiet. It's just really comforting to me.

"You sure you're okay with staying over Frank? Because I could ask Mikey or-"

"No it's fine," I say, and do my best to smile at him, then I allow him to lead me into the building.

He lives in a much more grandeur home than I, with nicer halls as well as doors that haven't been sloppily painted, and are made out of a nice wood.

He leads me up to the third floor, and then messes around with his key ring before getting the door open.

He guides me into his apartment which is so much nicer than mine.

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