The Legacy of a Dead Poet

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Pants. Pants are a good idea. Maybe no time for underwear, but pants.

I shake Gerard awake quickly and put a finger to my lips for him to be quiet. He looks lost for a moment and watches me get up and grab the only heavy object I can find, which is a glass paperweight on the nightstand.

"Frank-" more movement from outside makes Gerard shut up. His eyes widen as he realizes what's going on.

Honestly, I've never snuck up on someone sneaking up on someone before. It seems like it should be pretty easy because he thinks I don't know he's sneaking up on me, but really I do know he's sneaking up on me, so I can turn the tables on him and sneak up on him sneaking up on me.

Alright, well I've got to go now while I still have the upper hand. I hold out a hand for Gerard to stay there, but he looks at me like I'm mad. I already knew he was stubborn, but damn is he layering it on pretty heavily.

I roll my eyes, and frown. I can tell that whoever is out there is right out there. Probably on the other side of the door if I'm not mistaken.

I've always kind of wanted to hit someone with a door, so I'm killing two birds with one stone. I grab the handle and turn it slowly, waiting for whoever is on the other side to grab ahold of it.

I feel the door being subtly tugged open so I go for it and wham it open. A painful sounding thud follows and I smirk, then walk out to look at the guy who's just fallen to the ground.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't see you there," I say to him. His face is covered, but I'd recognize that ski mask anywhere. It's the Slav who helped kidnap me! Señor balaclava! I've been yearning for this reunion for a while now, and finally I have my chance.

"Yeats I presume," I say to him and bend down to hold him to the ground with my knee. "You know I read some of your poetry in eighth grade and I have to say, you're a little wordy. Lots of fifty-cent words."

The guy somehow looks unamused through a ski mask.

I hear the door creak behind me and Gerard peeks out. He's a little underdressed given the occasion, with only boxers, but I don't say anything, it would be rude.

"Hey Gerard," I say and he waves back at me. Señor balaclava grabs at me and tries to pull me off of him, but he's not in a good position right now. I look around and see that his gun fell to the ground.

"Hey Gerard, could you hand me that gun?" I ask him. Gerard looks stunned for a moment, but steps over to it and then pick the gun up like it's a bomb.

"Oh grow up, it's on safety!" I say taking it from him. It's not the kind of gun I'd use, but at least señor balaclava thought enough to put a silencer on it.

"You're not going to kill him are you?" Gerard asks me.

"What? No, probably not," I say and look down at him. "Would you mind calling the police, maybe?"

Gerard makes a sound, and says, "Right, of course. Sorry."

I grab the guy by the collar of his shirt and slam his head into the floor so that maybe he'll stop struggling a little bit.

Gerard walks into the kitchen and I look back at the guy trying to escape beneath me. I want to know who he is though so I pull the ski mask off of him to study the assassin who replaced me.

He's not very good looking, and I've never seen him before. His hair is strawberry blond with specks of grey matted in. His face is thin and red from either adrenaline or lack of oxygen due to my knee pressed into his clavicle.

"Kind of an ugly little bastard aren't you?" I mock, and he looks at me enraged.

"On their way," Gerard shouts.

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