The Stupidity is Strong With This One

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It's been two weeks since I last saw Gerard. For so long I was tempted to just bump into him whenever I could find the chance, but whenever I tried, I just didn't. I was so close to 'accidentally' seeing him so many times but I didn't do it.

I watch him from afar I guess, but not in the creepy way. I'm honestly just trying to make sure that no one around him is trying to kill him. He's stubborn and I know that, so he didn't allow himself to be stuffed up in a house for much more than a week. Still he's been in the clear for a while. Two weeks and no attempts at his life.

As for me I've been pretty shit. It's like I'm going through a bad breakup but I was never even in a relationship with him. Still I find myself watching Letters to Juliet and eating pringles by the hundred.

I finally decide that I've had enough of all this shit. I want to see him. I want to see him like that rabbit wants those Trix. I want to be near him like Gollum wants that ring.

I don't even know what I'll want when I see him. Maybe a hug, or a handshake, or his tongue in my mouth. I want to see him. That much I know.

I don't actually know where he is today. It's a Tuesday. Where do people go on Tuesdays? Work, usually, but that means that Gerard will be anywhere, but at his office. There's really only three options when it comes to Gerard. He'll be at his office, in his coffee shop or in his apartment. I decide I might as well go to his apartment first.

I arrive in front of the door at about noon, but when I knock there's no response. He doesn't seem to be home and I don't hear any rustling around so I doubt anyone else is in there. I sigh, but head back out onto the street. I walk the few blocks to his office which is closer to me than the coffee shop so I stop there.

His assistant, whose purpose I've still yet to find, gives me a funny look. I figure she either doesn't remember who the hell I am or she just doesn't like me. It's possible that both are true.

I don't say anything, but I spot that Schechter guy in his office because the door is open. I already broke in there to check his handwriting so he's in the clear, and I don't want to have to try to make small talk so I just turn on my heels when she says that Gerard's not there.

Why does he have an assistant if he's never here? It seems pointless, though I doubt her position was not entirely determined by Gerard because he would never have picked someone with such an obvious distaste for humans. I've spoken four words to that girl, but I get the impression that she's a bit of a homophobe. I don't know how someone of that state of mind could work for Gerard, but I don't worry too much about it.

I walk down the street until I get to the coffee shop and I cross my fingers. I don't know if I'm hoping that he's there or that he isn't. I want to see him, but at the same time I really don't. I think I want to talk or something, but I'm so nervous about that very idea.

I take a deep breath and walk a little further to peak into the window. No point in going in if he's not there. He is though.

Red head messy as always and back facing the window. He's far enough in the coffee shop that no sniper could possibly get him. A handgun would work though.

The odd thing is that Gerard's not alone. There's a man sitting across from him. He's not in my usual seat to the immediate left of him, but I still don't like the way someone else is there instead of me.

From the looks of it though, I have nothing to be jealous of. For one thing the man sitting across from Gerard is in his late sixties. Thin, crisp, well groomed, but unwelcoming. His forehead is creased in anger like he and Gerard are fighting about something. Actually he's probably angry at Gerard, because Gerard doesn't really get mad. If he does get mad he walks away from the situation completely.

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