Shit Goes Down

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"This is the worst thing that's ever happened to me. This is worse than being shot at multiple times. This is worse than fainting in my public speaking class in ninth grade. This is worse than walking in on my boss having an affair."

I stop him and ask incredulously, "you walked in on your boss having an affair?"

"Well I told you that the villain in my comic book was based on a twisted son of a bitch, didn't I?"

"I can see why you left that job," I answer.

"Among other reasons. That was the last job I had before my comic book hit it off," Gerard says. He's looking a little better after sleeping, but he still looks uneasy. There's no way for me to understand what he's going through. I've never been almost assassinated before, and I don't have a brother so it's completely alien to me. What I do know is that Gerard is upset by it so I'm upset by it. Also I kind of like Mikey, he seems nice. A little quiet, but nice.

Mikey calls again a little after lunchtime and he reports back what's happened. You wouldn't be able to tell what time it is though because the sky is a dark and greyish blue with obvious signs of oncoming rain.

As it turns out, not much has happened.

"They said that I faked that note to the assassin or something," Mikey explains, "said I had a friend write it to throw them of their course. Apparently that's obstruction of justice as well as conspiracy to commit murder, but I didn't do either of those things."

"What do they think your motive is?" I ask.

"Jealousy? I don't know, I didn't do anything!" he says.

"Well do they have an explanation for why you'd have the gun? Why would you have the gun if you hired an assassin?" Gerard questions.

"Apparently I asked for a gun so I could do it myself? I don't know, but that's the plot they're floating by me now."

"That's stupid. This is all speculation, how do they plan to hold you on purely speculation?" Gerard asks.

"I don't know, but they're going to try. I think they said they can't hold me for more than 24 hours without more solid proof, but they're pretty confident that they can find some. I think what they were doing was running fingerprints or something."

"Okay, well had you ever touched that gun?" I ask him, "if you touched it then they'll find your fingerprints, but if you didn't then there's nothing linking it to you."

"No, I'd never seen it before they showed it to me."

"Tell me exactly what happened then. Why did they arrest you in the first place?"

"Um," Mikey says and he starts thinking, "okay well I got home and the lock was broken on my door, okay? So I went in and I didn't know if anything was missing or anything, so I called the police before I did anything at all."

"Well that's good at least, you didn't touch anything?" I ask.

"Not much," he replies, "Maybe the door knob, but other than that I left everything alone."

"Okay, they might find prints if whoever broke in was an amateur," I say, and Gerard looks at me puzzled. I realize that I'm way too knowledgeable about all this than I should be.

"Uh, I watch a lot of cop shows," I say to Gerard and I hope it's convincing. "What happened after they got there?"

"Well there was only one police officer and he came in to file a report or whatever and he looked around quickly. That's when he found the gun in one of my drawers, and I didn't know it was there. He like, asked me if it was registered or something, and when I told him it wasn't even mine, he told me to go down to the station. They looked through my home while I was there and then told me they found the messages to and from an assassin on my computer."

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