Now Im Getting Help.

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I stood up as I began shaking nervously.

"M-My name is Arielle" I said looking down.

"Welcome Arielle" The group said in unison.

"Im depressed and possibly still suicidal. I was kidnapped awhile back by my f-fiance's brother." The thought of Micheal made me nervous. "U-Um. He cut my hair off. He would beat with a whip every night and burned me once on my legs." I lifted up my pants leg to show the burn towards the crowd. " All through this I was pregnant and I didnt know it. If Id throw it, Id think It was from not eating properly  but no I was pregnant. He would t-tie me up to shackles and make me get on my knee's and rape me" The tears began coming. "I got saved by my fi-iance and his friends and almost died in the hospital. Luckily, Im here and my baby is still alive. But..I dont love him." I covered my mouth as I began crying hard as the words 'I DONT LOVE HIM' came out my mouth.

I looked up to see Micheal standing in the back of the door, standing against the wall as tears fell from his eyes.

"Im a mess, how could a mother not care about a child she cared for nine months? I know they deserve better than what they got but I dont know what I can do? I just feel like its better if Im gone." I closed my eyes.

The group supporter came and rubbed my shoulder. When I opened my eyes back up, they were blurry but I couldnt see Micheal's figure standing on the wall anymore. He was gone.

Is this really happening to me? Am I really losing the one who loves me the most?

"Arielle. Thank you." Sheryl, the supporter said.

I nodded as I took a seat beside a tall woman.

I looked around to see sympathic eyes stare towards me.

"Arielle the power is in your hands. If you want to be a good mother and wife than you can but you need to believe you can be! Your story is not regular and which makes it unique but its YOUR decision to make it the fairytale you want. Think about the man you have in your life. He saved you, took your shit and he damn sure still there for you!" Sheryl preached.

"Thank you" I mouthed to her. She nodded.

She was right. Micheal doesnt deserve this, especially my son.

I need to change.

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