chapter 49 : My Turn To Save You

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Blood battle , that's what it looked like when ash and Roy walked in the big hall

The fight had left the room and everybody was now far apart from each other

It was a big hall , which seemed to be like the center of the building , at every corner were the stairways leading to different parts of the factory ..

Braddin and Ethan were fighting David , Ethan seemed to be weak from the bleeding from his shoulder but the bleeding had stopped now which helped him gain back his strength but not all of it !

Braddin was boiling in anger , his rage was more than any emotion he ever felt in his life how dare he touch his wife , how dare he touch ian , how dare he jeopardize the future of his kids , how dare him ?! Was all braddin could think about while beating the crap out of David ,

David was bleeding from his nose and mouth , her hands were strong but it seemed like his ribs were bruised pretty badly , but he refused to give up and he taught with all force he had in him !

Rebecca ad Freddie were struggling to get control over each other , Freddie was bleeding from her mouth , but Rebecca seemed to guard herself pretty nicely because it seemed like she was the only one in the room without bruises or blood .. Ash looked at them and ran towards them , it was just in seconds that ash turned the Wheel around and now they had control over Freddie , ash punched Freddie and Freddie landed on a steel pipe which hit her pretty bad as she struggled to get up ..

"Ash" breathless Rebecca spoke up , her eyes lit up from the sudden hug from her best friend , a hug so tight Rebecca literally couldn't breath

She was so happy she could see her for a moment she thought she'd never see her again "Ashhhh .. Choking" Rebecca managed to say in between ash's killing hug

"Sorry" ash pulled away letting Rebecca breath , she kissed her cheek .. and smiled big ..

"Are you hurt ?" ash worriedly said looking for bruises or any other injury on Rebecca's body

"I'm okay ! " she said but that didn't stop ash from examining her

"Hey , hey quite touching me , I'm okay " Rebecca jumped back

"What are you doing here ?" Rebecca said once she gained her breath , but before ash could answer Freddie came at them but ash pushed her again

"What you thought you're gonna do all the saving today ?! " ash smiled

They laughed nervously , as to what to say or do in this moment ..

Salmen was also struggling to get at natellie not because wasn't strong enough but because he was still thinking about ian who was brutally hurt and mostly because natellie was a girl , he is not supposed to hit a girl , natellie was taking advantage of the fact that he wasn't attacking her but just stopping her and defending himself

Natellie came at him but roy came in and turned her wrist behind her back

"Have you gone soft?" Roy said tightning her grip over natellie , and puuting her attacks to rest

"Roy" salmen said releasing a breath , holding his knees

"I say he was never strong " natellie laughed

"Shut up " roy said tightning her drip hurting her wrist ..

"How's ian did you find her ?" Salmen panicked thinking about her

"I say she's dead by now " natellie meddled again

"Shut up " salmen said this time slapping her hard ..

Roy looked stunned "She's hurt but Tia's taking her to the hospital " Roy assured him

"She'll never get there" natellie went again

"Shut up " Roy and salmen said at the same time yelling at her ..


"Ahh " ian said before slipping from Tia's shoulder

"Ian " Tia held her and stopped walking and sat her down on few bricks

"Are you okay ?" Tia asked stroking Ian's cheek

Ian couldn't said anything , but she nodded

"Water " she said taking a deep breath

"Water , okay , umm" Tia said looking here and there finding something to during but how could she find anything , it was a deserted building , there was nothing here

"Wait here , I'll be back " Tia said and turned to walk away but ian held her hand

"No , your not going anywhere , let's just look for the car " ian said trying to stand up but she couldn't do it on her own so she sat back

"No you need water !" Tia said

"No I don't " ian Insisted

"Ian plz , I'll be just a second ! You need to drink something !" Tia said pleeding

"No , what I need is for you to be safe " ian ordered

"Plz , I can't have anything happened to you " ian continued

"Okay ! Let's go" Tia helped ian stand up and they started to walk , they walked for minutes but they came back at the same spot

"We are lost " ian said , freaking out she was panicking now , her heart beat raised and she started breathing heavily

Tia held ian with her hand on her shoulder and sr looked ian in the eye
"No , we will find a way out , just stay with me ,okay " Tia said

Ian nodded , her breaths getting stable

"I have an idea , ! " Tia said looking up and down

"What" ian asked

"I'm not sure if it's going to work "

"Its something " ian encouraged her

"We saw stairways in the other corner , what if we go on the roof and trace a way out " Tia said

"That's actually a good idea " ian smiled

They nodded and looked for the stairways

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