Erin lindsay...

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E: well Camille couldn't wait to tell me and she came and told me but she said I wasn't allowed to tell you that I knew because she knew that you would be sad if the two of you didn't tell me together and my last name technically hasn't been Lindsay for about 15 years on all my stuff it's Voight even my high school diploma says Erin Lindsay Voight.
H: of course she told you and I'm glad that you were able to not tell anyone but at your graduation they said Erin Lindsay why
E: well I told them not to say my last name because you hadn't told me yet but I knew
H: did Justin know
E: I don't think so, I actually don't think he knows yet
H: well we should tell him, he is coming over tonight and we will tell him tonight but we have to be creative because that is what your mother would want
E: I'll think of something before tonight

Erin walks out of hanks office and goes to her desk to think of way to Justin. She hops on Google to find a cool way to tell Justin but she hasn't found any luck. She gets off her computer and walks into hanks office.

H: what's up, did you find a creative way to tell your brother
E: Not yet, but I'm gonna go out and find some inspiration
H: where are you going to get that
E: the one place I go every time I need to be alone
H: Your mothers grave
E: yea...
Erin looked at him with the saddest face he has seen, he gets up out of his chair and goes and hugs her
H: we all miss her kiddo
E: I know I just miss her a lot more these days, but I'll back if we catch a case
Hank walks out of his office and when he does that everyone is at work now
H: I got something to say, today everyone in intelligence gets the day off go home and do whatever you want but I want you all back here tomorrow and be ready to work. Let's go Erin

They drive to Camille's grave.

E: how were you and Camille going to tell me any way
H: that is actually a great story well we had gone and went to the bakery after we adopted you to get some food, and she was like I have the best way to tell Erin and I asked her what is was, she said since her birthday is coming up I want to get her a cake that says Happy Birthday Erin Lindsay Voight welcome to the crazy family, we went and talked to the chef and said he would do it and he did we went back to pick up the cake and then your mom got sick and the cake just sat in my car for a while but before it went bad I took a picture of the cake. I still have the picture I carry it around with me everywhere I go along with the first Christmas you spent with us that is when I knew you would become my daughter
E: Hank that is so sweet and I think since Camille wanted to do it that way we could do something similar to it
H: good idea but what should it say
E: congrats you have a sister
H: haha he will be so confused but good idea now let's go talk to your mother.
Camille there is a day that goes by that I don't think about you the kids are growing up so fast Erin she has come a long way from when we first met her, Justin is still a trouble maker but he is becoming a wonderful man. I can't believe you won't be able to see the kids get married or meet our grandchildren
There is so much that I can't believe you won't be able to do with me but I know you are watching over us
E: Mom, it's been forever since I've seen you, I have been happier lately. I met some nice guy and I wish you could meet him dad didn't like him at first but they are warming up to each other and I think he is the one that I am going to marry and have kids with, but I will wait to have kids so that dad doesn't freak out, I was sneaking behind his back with Jay at first because I thought he would hurt Jay but he didn't he accepted him. I wish you could be here to hear about all the crazy adventures that have been happening

Hank and Erin left the cemetery and head over to the bakery and order the cake and they wait for the cake to be ready so that they suppose Justin.

J: hey everyone
E: Justin it's so good to see you
H: hey son how you doing
J: it's good to see you two and I'm doing great
H: well Justin we have a surprise for you
J: what is it, you're not pregnant are you Erin
E: oh no
Hank goes and grabs the cake and brings it out
H: here you go
J: congrats you have a sister? What I'm confused did you take in another kid
H: no silly about 15 years ago your mother and I adopted Erin but we never told you
J: I kinda just figured we did that when she first moved in
E: I didn't, but some little bird told me
H: I knew she wouldn't be able to wait but I'm glad she was the who told you
J: well since then has your last name been Voight
E: yup, I made sure no one knew though because you didn't know
J: I love you so much
E: I love you and you too dad
H: my two favorite kids
J: hey Erin it's Jay wanna grab a drink
E: yea
Erin hangs up then she goes and throws up. She is thinking I can't be pregnant can I?
E: hey jay we need to talk

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