The Halstead/Lindsay family

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"Congratulations to the two of you" Dawson said "congrats bro." Said Atwater "the two of you will be great parents." Alvin said "congrats." Ruzek said "Thank you guys so much." Erin says "we can't wait." Jay said "have you thought of any names yet." Hank asked "not yet but when we come to a final decision you will be the first to know." Jay said Once everyone stopped talking they all header over to Molly's to celebrate. "We will meet you at Molly's I wanna quick stop at home and change." Erin said.

Jay and Erin went to go to Erin's apartment so that she could change. "Hey Erin, since we are going move in together should we decided who wants to move." Jay asked "Jay we can live at your place." Erin said "then we should start packing all your stuff since you have 2 weeks left in your apartment. Plus it's gonna take forever." Jay said jokingly "I don't have that much stuff, it will only take a day to pack and move it." Erin said "I bet it takes 2 days to pack and half day to move it." Jay said "how much you willing to lose?" Erin asked "20 bucks for the winner." Jay said "you're on Halstead." Erin said "don't get too upset when I win Lindsay" Jay said. "I won't be the one losing that will be you and wait here I will only be minute to quick change." Erin said "ok, just don't take to long to change we have to get there before people start leaving." Jay said. "I know it's just hard to find an outfit that hides the bump but I won't have to hide it after tonight since everyone will know." Erin said "wear whatever you want but just wear a coat over it, and don't take the coat off until we tell everyone." Jay said "Jay Halstead you are a genius, one of the reasons I love you, I will be back in under five minutes." Erin said.

Erin "ran" up to her apartment to quick change, because she didn't want where what she was wearing at work. She went and put on some yoga pants with a nice long shirt that was more like a dress, then of course she wore her black boots. Then she had to grab a coat so that she could hide her baby bump for another hour, then she wouldn't have to hide it again. When she was done changing she ran back down to the car so that they could head over to Molly's.

"took you long enough." Jay said. "Well I'm sorry, it does take time to actually get up to the apartment then I had to change." Erin said "let's go tell everyone else about our two bundles of joy." Jay said "I'm so excited that we won't be hiding it anymore, so that I can wear whatever I want." Erin said. Jay turned the car on and he put the sirens on which he isn't suppose to do but he does sometimes. He drove like a crazy person it usually takes them about 10-15 minutes to get to Molly's but today it only took them about 5 minutes to get there. We had finally arrived to the bar, and Jay didn't kill us.

"Wow, you actually made it." Dawson said "you can blame Erin this time." Jay said "how is it my fault?" Erin asked "you took forever to change." Jay said "I only took 5 minutes." Erin said "Jay you take longer than any girl besides my daughter to get ready." Antonio said " I do not." Jay said "Jay you take so much longer than me to get ready for work every morning." Erin said "well I have my reasons for that and no I don't want to share them." Jay said "whatever" Erin said "Jays probably checking Erin out while she's getting ready." Ruzek says Jay just pretends he didn't hear what Adam said. "So what can I get you all to drink?" Gabby asked "beer and water." Jay said "I'll be right back with that then." Gabby said. "I'm surprised she didn't ask about the water." Jay said "why would she care about the water Jay." Erin asked "because we never get water with beer." Jay said "that is true maybe she knows and just wants to wait for us to make the announcement." Erin said "well we should make the announcement soon tho." Jay said "good idea, you can decide when we make it." Erin said "well then, Can I get everyone's attention Erin and I have some news we would like to share." Jay said "what is it?" Herman asked "well since a lot of know Jay and I have been dating for a while now, we found out a while ago that I am pregnant but we just recently found out that we are expecting twins, and it's a boy and a girl." Erin said.

The whole room erupted into excitement everyone was going over to Erin and Jay and tell them congrats but they had a name for the boy and they wanted the team to be the first to know so they decided to wait until everyone stopped saying congrats to them. "So we have one more surprise but we want our 'family' to be the first to know we have a name for our son picked out. Surprising it didn't take too long to agree on it." Erin said "so what did you decide." asked Adam "we decided on Jay Hank Halstead Lindsay." Jay said "the kid is gonna have my name in it?" Hank asked "of course since you have been such a big part in Erin's life, we wanted our son to know how much we love you and that if he has any trouble to go to his grandpa." Jay said "I'm so grateful for the two of you." Hank said almost in tears. "That kid has a long name." Antonio said "yea, he sure does but hopefully one day we can just call him Jay Hank Jr. For when he gets in trouble because if I have to yell Jay Hank Halstead Lindsay I might run out breath." Erin said "maybe when he gets in trouble you just yell JHHL." Adam said "that wouldn't even make sense because those are just his initials, maybe I'll just yell Jay Jr." Erin said "have you thought of any girl names yet?" Alvin asked "we have a middle name just not a full name yet." Jay said "so what is the middle name?" Adam asked impatiently "well you won't find that out until we think of a full name." Jay said "more waiting, it's hard enough I have to wait to meet them." Adam said "Adam it does take 9 months to develop you did have the talk with your parents right?" Jay said jokingly. "Yes they did, most awkward situation ever since they were fighting the whole time." Adam said "well that's not the most awkward situation." Erin said "I doubt you could have one that is even more awkward." Adam said. By this time voight had already left since he doesn't go to Molly's very often unless his teams has to share with the rest of their friends. Once he left the team just talked about all kinds of things. "Hank and Camille ended up have the talk with my since my parents weren't ever around." Erin said "ok, you beat me, working with the man that gave you the talk is awkward." Adam said "not really he probably doesn't really remember it, he actually is usually watching Jay." Erin said "what! Why is he watching me?" Jay asked "probably since we are together and you are the father of our children." Erin said

Jays POV
I need to find a time to ask Antonio to come and help me pick a ring for Erin since I have decided that I want to ask her to marry me soon. I have waited long enough, I was gonna ask her a while ago but she was beginning to get to curious and I couldn't ask her otherwise she would know what was going on. "Hey Dawson can I quick talk to you." I asked "yea" he said we walked outside so that no one would be able to hear us. "What's up?" He asked "I need your help." I said "ok, with what?" He asked "well I need you to help me pick an ring for Erin." I said "I would be honored to help you, but I think you should ask her brother if he also wants to join, since they are really close." Antonio said "I was thinking of choosing one then showing him, but yea I'll see if he's still in town." Jay said "ok, just let me know when ya wanna go." Antonio said.

Antonio walked back over to the table where the rest the group was, he was sitting next to Kevin. "Where's Jay?" Erin asked "I think he's making a phone call." Antonio said "to who? Everyone we know is pretty much here." Erin said "I'm not quite sure." Antonio said "whatever." Erin said

"Hey Justin it's Jay." Jay said "hey Jay what's up?" Justin asked "well since you know that I'm gonna propose to Erin I was wondering if you wanted to help me pick the ring with Antonio." Jay asked "I would be love to help, just let me know when you want to go." Justin said "ok, well I'll see you then." Jay said "see ya."Justin said

Jay ended the call with Justin put his phone back in his pocket, he then went back to the table. "So who were you talking to?" Erin asked "what? Why?" Jay said

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