2 years later

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Erin's POV

It's been about two years since the twins were born they have grown up so much. I can't believe that they are two years old already. Jay and I got married about 8 months after the twins were born. A lot has happened in the past two years. Jay and Henry are starting to walk a little, they are growing up way too fast. Jay and I have been very busy at work with cases, we took a week off after the twins were born and went on a vacation just the two of us, Hank watched the twins while we went wisconsin to spend some time together. 

Today is just like any other day we get up for work and get the kids ready for day care. For some reason today seemed different, it was just a feeling I had. It was like something was going to happen today. Jay has been very distracted lately, he tries to hide it but I can tell something is on his mind. 

Jay's POV

I got a letter last week, I know what it's about but I can't bring myself to open it. I'm hoping it's not what I think it may be. I can't open it. It will break my heart if it's what I think it may be. I know that I have to open it some time today, but I want Will to be there with me so that he can help me tell Erin. I made sure to get up earlier today so that I can meet Will for breakfast so that I can open the letter I received last week.

 We decided to go to this little diner that is by the hospital in case Will gets called in for an emergency. When I arrived at the diner I realized I didn't tell Erin that I was meeting Will for breakfast so I decided to send her a text telling her where I am. Morning beautiful I went out to breakfast with Will to catch up and talk about some things. We'll talk later at work tell the boys I love them. xoxo. She replied back right away Morning, have fun talking to Will. The boys are spending the day with Gabby at the firehouse since she is off but she will be at the firehouse today. 

After I sent Erin the text I headed inside to meet with Will, he was sitting at the table all by himself looking at the menu. I have the letter in my back pocket, hoping that it's not my worst nightmare.  I went and sat down across from Will. Will, looks like you don't  know what you want for breakfast. I said Jay, you made it he said. Yea, I had to send Erin a text since I forgot to leave her a note I said. What did you want to talk about he asked. Well, I got a letter last week and it is like an official letter from the rangers and I think they want me to go back to war I said. Have you opened the letter yet he asked. I wanted you to be here with me when I opened it I said. What if they are calling you back to war what will you do he asked. I will go and talk to Erin and it's not like I can refuse to go back, I don't know how I can just leave our family and the thought of me dying over there and the boys growing up without a father breaks my heart I said. Jay, before you start freaking out why don't you open the letter he said. 

I sat there thinking about what Will said and decided that it was time to open the letter I started to open it but then I all of suddenly could pull out the paper that was inside so I handed it to Will to have him read it first and I would read his facial expression. Will pulled the letter out and I couldn't read his facial expressions. So what's the news I asked. Take a look for yourself, I'm not telling you, you have to read it for yourself he said. Will hands me the letter and all I am thinking is that this will ruin me if I have to back it says that they want me to go back to war I said. When do you have to leave he asked. I have to leave on July 23 what's the date today I asked. Will looked at his phone and by his expression it didn't look  like good news. 

It's...um...Jay it's july....22. When did you receive the letter he asked I got it last week, and now I have to leave tomorrow, how am I going to tell erin, how do I tell the boys? Jay, just be honest with Erin, you love each other even though it will break her heart you two will through it and the boys are still young so they won't understand but they know how much you love them Will said. Yea, I just don't know how to tell her but I should go to work and wait for her I said. Be safe Jay Will said. I will, promise me one thing and make sure my family stays safe I said. Always he said. 

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