Grandpa voight

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"Jay do you think Hank will be happy, I'm scared he will try to kill you." I said " Erin you are his daughter he will be so excited, I can't promise that he won't try to kill especially since he is getting an extra grandchild he wasn't expecting but he will be excited. My question is how are we going to tell your brother he is the one that is gonna kill me." Jay said "Jay, don't worry about Justin he may come across as being overprotective but he won't try to kill  you only hank is like that." I said " Erin, he said if I hurt you I will be at the bottom of Lake Michigan." Jay said "Well, he is just like that don't worry. If he does I will beat him up." I said "we should go and get hank some things to tell him that he is going to have two grandchildren." Jay said " I think that is a great idea a boy and a girl outfit?" I asked "that sounds like a great idea." Jay said

They drove over to Carter's which is a baby store and it is located near the district which was great because then they would be close to the district and wouldn't be late if they stayed a little too long. They walked in and they were so overwhelmed by everything because they didn't realize that they would have to buy double of a lot of the stuff now and in two different colors. "Hey Erin, I found a girl one it says no means ask grandpa" Jay said "I found a boy one that says grandpa's little boy" Erin said " I like them both." Jay said "same, ok we found them. Now we can go to work and give them to hank" I said

They head over to the district and once they head in they go and put their stuff in their lockers then they up to the voights office they knock on his door. He lets them come in. They close the door and blinds because they don't want their coworkers to see what they are doing. "What's up, everything alright with the baby?" Voight asked. "Yea everything's fine it's just we have a surprise for you!" Erin said "ok, what is it?" Hank asked "I think this will explain it better than us telling you." Jay said Hank looked at them confused but excited at the same time. "Well here take out what's inside the bag and you'll know what we are talking about" Erin said Hank was handed the bag by Erin and he opened it and pulled out two onesies. He read them both and he was so surprised and excited. "Are you serious I'm getting a grandson and granddaughter?" Hank asked "yea, you are." Erin said "well congrats you two will be great parents." Hank said "thank you" Jay said "Erin, since you're carrying twins and the risks double I don't want you out in the field anymore you are desk duty until your maternity leave." Hank said "Hank...." Erin said "this isn't a discussion, it's an order." Hank said "fine, but keep Jay safe if anything happens to him I will blame you." Erin said "nothing is going to happen to me I will be fine. Who's my partner gonna be now?" Jay asked "I'm gonna partner you up Antonio." Hank said "perfect, now you don't have anything to worry about." Jay said "so you two gonna tell the rest of the team today or wait" Hank asked "we're gonna tell them today." Jay said

They walked out of hanks office and went to their desks to get a start on their paper work. "What were you talking about in there, you were in there for a long time." Ruzek said "time will tell"Erin said

Ruzek was confused as to what that meant, he thought long and hard but couldn't come up with any ideas. "So how long are we gonna wait for you tell me" Ruzek asked Jay looked at Erin because he didn't know who was gonna answer the question he decided he'd let her answer "um, tonight actually nosey nelly" Erin said "good because I don't like waiting." Ruzek said "well you'll have to wait a little longer" Erin said

Jay singled Erin to go to the break room so that they could talk. "Erin how are we going to tell the team about the twins" Jay asked "I don't I can call my friend and have her make a cake that has blue and pink filling" Erin said "sounds good" Jay said "ok I'll go give her a call when do we want it ready?" Erin asked "we could have it ready at 4:00 then we can surprise them before everyone heads out and make sure voight keeps everyone until at least 5:30 so that we have enough time to pick it up and bring it back and all that stuff." Jay said "ok so do you want to talk to Voight then I can give Jenny a call." Erin said

Erin dialed Jenny's number, Jenny is Erin's friend who runs a bakery. "Hey,Jenny" Erin said "hey Erin what's up we haven't talked in a while." Jenny said "I need your help with something. Also I'm pregnant with twins a boy and a girl." Erin said "ahh congrats I'm happy for you. So what can I do for you?" Jenny said "well I need a cake because Jay and I want to surprise the rest of our team and I need the filling to be blue and pink also if you could have it done by 4:00, it doesn't have to be anything to big since there aren't that many people." Erin said "yea I can do that so do you want it chocolate or vanilla? Do you want it to say anything on the top?" Jenny asked "vanilla is fine, and if it could say new cop coming soon." Erin said "yea I can do that it should be ready at about 4:00" Jenny said "thank you so much Jenny it means so much to me." Erin said "your welcome see ya soon" Jenny said "Jay and I will be there at 4 see ya soon." Erin said

Jay went and knocked on voights door. "Come in" Voight said "hey can you do Erin and I a favor." Jay asked "yea, what's up" Voight asked "can you keep everyone her until at least 5:30 because we are going to surprise everyone by telling them about the twins." Jay said "yea, I can I'll just tell them to finish their paperwork." Voight said "thank you." Jay said "no problem." Voight said Jay walked out of his office.

"Jay come here." Erin whispered from the break room. He walked over to her "what's up"Jay asked "follow me" Erin said they went to the locker room so that no one could hear them. "Jay we never told them I'm pregnant and I don't know how they haven't noticed since I'm starting to show." Erin said "we didn't well now they will know, plus two surprises in one is even better. You look beautiful just like always " Jay said "aww Jay your so sweet" Erin said "Erin, they probably didn't notice because we have been so busy." Jay said "true, well I better go get the cake." Erin said "ok, well I'll tell them you had to go take care of something if they ask." Jay said "ok, I should be back in like 20 minutes." Erin said. Erin went out to her car and got in and drove to Jenny's bakery shop, before she got out she just sat in her car for a minutes thinking about how the team will react to her being pregnant with twins. When she finally got out of her car, she headed in to the shop. She was greeted by Jenny "Erin nice to see you, it's been a while and you look amazing for being pregnant." Jenny said "thanks Jenny you look beautiful like usual. So were you able to finish the cake without any trouble?" Erin asked "it was easy no problems at all. The total is $10.00" Jenny said "wow, that is cheap well since it didn't take long it wasn't as expensive." Jenny said "well, thanks I better get this over to the district Jay is keeping all the guys busy. See ya around." Erin said she got the cake in her car and she drove slower since she didn't wait to ruin it. When Erin arrived at the district she grabbed the cake and brought it up to the bullpen.

"What's in the box?" Ruzek asked "you will find out in a few minutes." Jay said "Erin and I have an important announcement everyone gather around." Jay said. Everyone looked at them confused except for Voight of course since he already knew. "Dawson will you do the honor and open the box and read what it says?" Asked Erin "ok, so it says new cop coming soon?" He said confused "I don't get it." Ruzek said "congrats Erin." Alvin said "shut up, congrats happy for you guys." Atwater said "oh my gosh congrats." Antonio said "I still don't get it." Said Ruzek "Erin's gonna have a baby you idiot." Atwater said "so is it a boy or girl?" Asked Antonio "well cut into the cake and you'll find out." Erin said "well Ruzek since you were last to find out will you cut it?" Jay asked I would be honored to." Ruzek said. He grabbed the knife and cut into it put a piece of cake on a plate. "Pink and blue? How does that work?" He asked "well since we didn't want to ruin the real surprise we thought you would get it not only is Erin pregnant but she having twins a boy and a girl." Jay said

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