The wonderful gift of life Part 1

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Jay hurry up, they're coming fast if you don't go faster I may have them right here. Erin yelled

Erin, I have the sirens going and I'm going as fast as I can. Jay said

Well do something that will make us go faster otherwise you better pull over and deliver your children. Erin yelled

Erin, do you really want me to deliver two babies on the side of the highway. I'd rather get you to the hospital. Jay said

Well, if you want that then drive faster. Erin yelled

Well you better hold on then. Jay said

Jay then started to go 90mph in a 55mph. So that Erin wouldn't deliver the babies in the car and also so that he didn't have to deliver them. Since Jay was going 90 he got to the hospital just in time. 

I need some help!! Jay yelled

what's wrong sir? a nurse asked

My fiancee is in labor! Jay said

Ok, let's get her inside and into a trauma room. the nurse said

Erin, let's get you inside. Jay said 

Well, then hurry up and help me get inside. Erin yelled

When Jay got Erin out of the car and he helped her into the hospital and once they got inside she was put into trauma room 1. 

Hey guys. Natalie said

Hey. Jay said

So, Erin I'm guessing you're in a lot of pain, would you like anything for it. Natalie asked

Would it hurt the babies? Erin asked

No, it's harmless it just helps with the pain. Natalie said

Then give me something for the damn pain. Erin said

Ok, we will get you something for the pain right away. Natalie said

Thank you. Jay said

Jay, I'm sorry for being such a bitch. Erin said

Erin, you're anything but a bitch and you're only acting like this  because you are in pain. I love you so much and I can't wait for our kids to be here. Jay said

Jay I love you and I can't wait for our kids to be here and for you to be the most amazing father ever. Erin said

Erin, I'm gonna go call hank. Jay said

Ok, I'll be sitting here. Erin joked. 

Ok, I won't leave you for long. Jay said

I love you Jay halstead and don't forget that. No matter what happens. Erin said

I love you too. Jay said

Jay walked out of Erin's room and went to call hank because he knew that hank should be here to meet his grandkids.

Hello? Hank asked 

Hey hank, it's me Jay. I have some important news to tell you. Jay said

Is Erin ok? Hank asked

Erin is fine but you're going to be a grandpa soon, the babies are coming. Jay said

I'm on my way. Hank said then hung up. 

Jay headed back into Erin's room once he realized that hank had hung up on him. 

He's on his, and he hung up on me. Jay said

I'm not surprised that he did that. He is really excited about having 2 more grandchildren. I just wish that Camille could be here too. Erin said

Erin, just remember that she is always with you no matter what happens. Jay said

I know she is, it's just that I miss her...Oww...Jay go get the doctor now. Erin said

I need help! Someone help. Jay yelled

Jay, what's wrong? Will asked since he was one of the only one's around

It's Erin she's in a lot of pain but they gave her stuff so she wouldn't be in pain. Jay said

Well, let's take a look. Will said

Thank you. Jay said

Erin, I heard that you're in a lot of pain. So I'm going to take a look at what maybe the problem. Is that ok with you? Will said

Do whatever you have to, to save my babies. Erin said

Will took a look and saw something that was very concerning. 

Erin, we need to get you up to an OR right away since one of the babies is breached. Which means that one of your babies feet are faced down and that isn't good because we want for the head the to be faced down. We need to do an emergency C-section. Will said

Jay.... Erin said

Erin, don't worry I'll be here with hank waiting for you. Jay said and gave her a kiss.

Will hit the emergency button and a lot of nurses came running in. 

Ok, someone needs to call the OR an tell them that we are on our and to prepped for an emergency C-section. Will said

Got it doctor. OR is being prepped right now. a nurse said

Good, let's go. Jay she's in the best care. Will said

Will, take good care of you she is everything to me and so are the kids. Jay said

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