Love Birds

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Jays POV
I can't believe that I just asked Erin to marry me and she said yes. This day couldn't get any better. We should go and tell everyone that we're getting married I said. Yea we should Erin said. Before we walked out of the room to tell everyone that we're engaged. We just stood there and looked each other in the eyes for what what felt like an eternity but in reality was only a couple minutes.

We walked out to everyone and they all stood up and of course Erin screamed we are getting married, really loud in my ear. I'm just glad to see that she is happy.

Once she screamed that we were getting married everyone came over to us and congratulated us. Hank was the first one to hug Erin, I think he was even crying a little bit. Once he was done hugging Erin, he came over to me and I will admit when he came over to me I got a little nervous and I don't know why. I just hope he doesn't hurt me, I doubt he would since he gave me permission to marry his daughter. Jay congratulations, I don't say this lightly.You will be a great husband to Erin and an amazing father to your two wonderful kids. You and Erin will struggle at first with the two of them just remember that you love them and each other no matter how much sleep you don't get. Trust me when Erin and Justin were kids they kept Camille and I up at all hours of the night waiting for them to come home Hank said.

I bet, were they that bad? I asked

Yes,They are really close, even though we had to send them to different schools just to keep them out of trouble, they both still managed to get into trouble. There was this one day that I was gone at work and so was Camille and they were suppose to come home right after school. Justin would meet Erin at her school so that they could walk together. I would usually go home for about a half hour just make sure that they made it home. They got home on time and they both went up to their rooms like usual and did homework. Once they were all set I would go back to work. When I left I guess they left and went to hang with some of their friends from Justin's school, and when I got home no one was there and I knew Camille wasn't going to be home since she was working late tonight, but I started to get a little worried since I couldn't find them. I tried to track their phones but since Erin was a street kid she knew to turn off their phones, I ended up just waiting at the table for them to come home. When Camille finally came home I told her that the kids were missing, she wasn't surprised and we just sat at the table and waited for them to come home. They came stumbling in at about 1:00 am. They were surprised to see us waiting for them. Erin even asked me what we're doing up so late. I responded to her by saying We were waiting for the two of you come home, from who knows where. They just stood their silently. After a couple minutes of just looking at each other we told them to go to bed, because I knew that they were high. I was furious that I wanted to kick them both out of the house but I knew if I did that then, it would only get worse. Hank said

I can't believe Erin was like that, I knew she had a past I just thought she stopped doing drugs and stuff when she came to live with you. I said

No, Justin and her were double the trouble that we had to pick them up from school and bring them to the district because otherwise they would sneak out. Hank said.

Erin POV

I saw that Jay and Hank have been talking for awhile, I wonder what they could possibly be talking about. I went over to them, too see what they are talking about.

So what are you two talking about? I asked

Just talking about my favorite daughter. Hank said

And what are you telling him. I asked

Just about that time you and Just snuck out and got high, then the two of you came home and Camille and I were waiting for you. Hank said

Haha, that was a fun night, but not when we got home. I thought you were going to kill us. I said

I wanted to kick the two of you out of the house but your mother told me that if I did things would only get worse. Hank said

Everyone besides Jay, Hank and I have left. We were waiting for Jay to get discharged from the hospital. We were just making some small talk. Once the doctor came, Jay signed those papers as fast he could so that he could get out the hospital. When Jay signed them we left, Hank headed home and Jay and I headed home.

When we arrived at my place, Jay said that he wanted to pack more of my stuff but I was trying to convince him that he needed rest but he didn't listen so we actually ended up packing the rest of my stuff then we finally went to bed.

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