Being strong

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It's been a few days since jay left, saying that I don't miss him would be a lie. I miss him, the boys miss him, but we are all so proud of him. I haven't been feeling well ever since he left. I think it's just the flu, I decided to stay home from work for the past few days an I most likely won't go into work for the rest of the week. Hank said he understands that I don't wanna be there this week.

   The boys have been doing good, they don't really understand what is going on they do ask about daddy an I try my best to explain to them that daddy can't come home since he is far away. It's been hard at bed time since Jay would always read them a story or even tell them a story.

I've told them stories about jay and I and they seem to enjoy that. I've told them about how jay and I met, how much their grandpa hated jay at first but then he started to like jay. I also read them a letter jay wrote when they were born.

*** 1 week later***

I've still been feeling sick an I thought it was the flu but that would've already passed an I've been feeling sick mainly in the mornings and I'm starting to think that I may be pregnant again. I couldn't be or could I? I decided that before I went to pick up the boys from daycare that I'd stop an buy a test.

All we've been doing today at work is mainly paperwork, on days like today I am glad that we don't have a case because I can barely focus on my paperwork.

I get to leave at 2:00pm most days unless we are dealing with a high risk case. I'm glad that I get leave earlier so that I can spend some time with the boys. They have been adjusting to Jay not being here all the time, for the most part good. There have been a few times when I'll be putting them to bed that they'll be a handful, but for the most part they are doing fine.

Just as I am about to leave and go to the drugstore to pick up a few pregnancy tests. My phone starts to ring and it was Jay. I picked up but continued on heading out to my car to head to the drug store.

Hey Jay.

Erin, it's so good to hear your voice.

It's good to hear you're voice Jay. I miss you.

I miss you too. How have you and the boys been.

We've been good, just trying to adjust without you here.

Well Erin, I got some good news for you.

What is it?

Well, it turns out that I'm going to be coming home sooner than we expected. It turns out that I'll be coming home in 2 months.


Yes, Erin I'm serious. I'm coming home babe! In 2 months I'll get to see you and the boys. And once I am home I have decided that it is time for me to retire from the rangers. I need to be there for my family.

Jay I love you so much.

I love you too

And with that they ended the call. Erin had just made it to drug store. She went inside and bought three tests, paid for them all and then was on her way to pick up the boys from daycare. When she arrived at the daycare, the boys were both excited to see her that they ran up to her.

She led them out to the car and got them buckled up, then they headed home. When they got home she helped take their shoes off then she turned the tv on so that they could watch a movie while she went to take the tests an so that she could make dinner.

She went into the bathroom and took all three of the tests she then set a timer for 10 minutes so that she could look at them all at once. While she was waiting she went into the kitchen to start making dinner. She decided to make some hot dogs and some veggies. While she was cooking the timer went off.

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