The wondeful gift of life PT 2

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Jay I won't let anything happen to your family trust me. Will said

Thank you will. Jay said

Hank came running in the hospital.

Where are they? Hank asked

They are taking her up to OR. Jay said

What's wrong? He asked

One of the babies was breeched so they had to do an emergency c-section they just took her up. Jay said

Jay, oh my...she's gonna be fine she's the strongest person I know and so are those kids. Hank said

Jay and Hank went to sit down in the waiting room. While Erin was in surgery.

In the OR
Ok, Erin we are gonna put you to sleep unless you want to be awake. Will asked her

Umm...I don't know this is all so sudden...I think I should be awake and can Jay be in here? Erin said

Someone go get Jay and Hank. Get them in scrubs and get them in here right away we have limited time. Will shouted. I know you want them both in here. Will said

Thanks Will, I'm glad your the kids uncle. Erin said

In the waiting room
Jay Halstead and Hank Voight. A nurse called

They stood up and the nurse came over them and handed them a pair of scrubs and they looked at each other confused.

What are there? Jay asked

They are the scrubs you're gonna have to where them in the OR now let's move we only have limited time, I'll explain on the way. The nurse said

Let's go see your kids be born Jay. Hank said

They headed towards the elevator since that is where they were gonna change.

So you wanna explain to us what is happening? Hank asked

Yes, Dr.Halstead asked Ms.Lindsay if she wanted to be put to sleep and she didn't know and she wanted you two there so Dr.Halstead is waiting for us. The nurse said

In the OR
Erin... Jay said

My two favorite men. Erin said

Erin. Hank said

Ok, you ready to meet your two kids Erin? Will asked

I'm more than ready. Erin said

Will started to cut her stomach open and once he did that he grabbed a baby.

First ones out and it's a boy! Will said

Will handed him off to a nurse so that he could be cleaned off and he could be weighed and measured.

Second ones out and it's another boy! Will said

A boy? I thought it was a girl? Two boys wow! Jay said

Two boys! Erin said

Sometimes we are wrong when telling people the gender when it comes to multiples, you'll have your hands full dad! Will said

Three grandsons..Hank said

Wow, this family has a lot more boys than girls. Jay jokes

Looks like next time you guys need to have a girl. Hank joked

Yea, we aren't having anymore kids for at least 3 years. Jay said

Like you two will be able to control that. Hank joked

Jay, do we have any names for these two handsome boys. Will asked

Jay and Erin looked at each other knowing that they had one boy picked out.

Well the first one is Jay Steven jr lindsay Halstead. Erin said

I thought we were giving him hanks name for the middle name? Jay asked Erin

Well I was thinking why don't we name our second son Henry Andrew lindsay Halstead but we'll call him Hank. Erin said

Sounds wonderful. Jay said

I'm honored that he's named after me. Hank said

I wouldn't want it any other way. Erin said

Well, I'm gonna head out and I'll come by later. Hank said

Ok, I'll see you later. Erin said

See you later Hank. Jay said

Hank walked out of the OR and headed back to work. They stitched Erin up and wheeled her down to her room.

I can't believe that we have two sons. Jay said while holding Jay jr.

Two boys is gonna be a wild ride. We aren't having more kids until these two are at least 3 years old. Erin said while holding little Hank.

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