Justin Voight

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Justin is in town and I couldn't be more happier since I haven't seen him for a while and when we were kids I always loved having a brother to talk to and he is overprotective about me just like Hank but I think he might be more overprotective because I'm his sister and I have had a hard life and neither of them want it to be harder than it has to. Justin and I have always been close, when I first went to live with Hank and his family I think Justin had a crush on me because he never took his eyes off of me. I didn't really care because I wouldn't of been interested since back then I was just trying to get back on my feet. Ever since I moved in with Hank, Justin has always been my best friend we could tell each other the good and the bad and for us there was a lot of bad. We both were trouble makers,Hank and Camille had their hands full with the two of us.

We caused trouble together and apart. "Hey Justin remember when we were kids and caused a lot of trouble for mom and dad?" I asked "yea, we caused a lot of it until you went to that weird school." He said "well that is because if I got in any trouble there they would of kicked me out of school." I said "that is true, you hated everyone there and so did I they were all stuck up and rich." He said " yea I would of rather of gone to school with you instead of that private school." I said "we went to school for a couple years and that was a ton of fun." He said "I loved those years especially since we had some of the same classes. Remember when we were in science and you wanted to see what would happen if we mixed all the chemicals together?" I asked "yea, we made such a mess and got into some serious trouble I think that was one of the reasons you switched over to private school, so that we wouldn't cause trouble together." He replied " I remember when we got home, mom wasn't as mad but dad he was so mad. I thought he was going to send us both to military school but only i transferred schools." I said "well mom never got as mad as dad does." He said "yea that is so true, so Justin I want you to meet someone." I said cautiously " ok, who is it. Please tell me it's not a boyfriend and you left the guy that got you pregnant because I've meet a lot of your boyfriends and none of them are good for you especially Jay since he got you pregnant. He doesn't deserve you." He said "ok, Justin I know how protective you are of me and Jay and I are happy he actually is better than what he comes across as he is the sweetest guy I've ever met and I think you'll like him once you get to know him." I said "let me talk to him first and I'll let you know what I think. Well I should go and talk to dad I'll catch you later right?" He asked "of course wouldn't want to spend time with anyone else while your in town see ya later Justin." I said

Justin's POV
I just found out that my sister is pregnant, her partner Jay is the father and they have been dating. Before anything else happens I have to meet this Jay I've heard about him from my father. Before Jay and I meet I have to go talk with my father.

I walk towards his office and go in and sit down. "Hey dad!" I said "hey, Justin how have you been doing?" He asked "I'm good, just found out I'm gonna be a uncle and that the father is Jay." I said "yea, it's great news isn't it? Jay and you should talk he asked me something but I told him he better ask you." He said "ok what did he ask you?" I asked "he asked for my blessing to marry and I said yes. Then he asked me if Erin ever had a certain way that she wanted to be proposed to and I told him that you would know." He said "oh yea, we talked about when we were younger before she went to that private school and good I wanna meet this guy to see if he is worthy to be a husband and father to my sister and my future nephew or niece" I said "well he is at his desk so you can go talk to him, we are just doing paper work today." He said "I think I will thanks and it's good to see you again I'll catch ya later" I said

Jays POV
I see that Erin's brother Justin is in town and he talked to Erin and now he's talking to Voight I'm a little scared because I've heard that Voight and him are protective of Erin and I know that he will want to talk to me about Erin. I see that he is coming over to my desk.

"Hey your Jay right?" He asked "yea, you must be Justin Erin's brother." I said "yea, can we talk?"He asked "yea, we can go in the break room" I Said "so I heard that your dating my sister and you're also the father of her child and you also want to marry her?" He said "yea, I do I love her and our child and I don't want to spend my life with anyone else except her." I said "just so we are clear if you hurt her or her child you will be at the bottom of the lake." He said "I wouldn't even think of hurting her, Voight already told me that if I hurt I'm at the bottom of the lake." I said "so I heard you want to know how Erin wants to get proposed to?" He asked "yea I want it to be just like she imagined and it's a dream come true." I said
"Well when we were kids we spent a lot of time talking about it and she said she wanted to be proposed to was.....

To be continued

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