Jay buys a ring?

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"I want to know who you were talking to?" Erin asked "why?" Jay asked "because I want to be there for you if you're in some kind of bad situation." Erin said "well, I'll tell you this. You will find out who I was calling and why I was calling them really soon." Jay said "Jay you know that I don't like to be surprised unless it's for a good reason." Erin said "Er, you will absolutely love this surprise trust me." Jay said.

The whole team stayed at Molly's until about 11:30pm then they all headed home. Jay and Erin decided to go to Erin's place tonight so that they could pack some more of her things, since they want to moved into jay's apartment before the twins come. "So since with both of our stuff combined we are going to have double of some things, so do we want to get rid of some it?" Jay asked cautiously "yea, or we could get rid of a majority of it then go and buy new stuff." Erin said "whatever makes you happy Er." Jay said. "We can keep some but we'll get rid of some" Erin said "sounds good." Jay said.

They only packed a few more things since they got home at 11:45 and they were tired so they only packed a few things. When they decided that they were done packing for the night, they decided to go to bed. The alarm went off at 6:30am Jay got up so fast hoping that Erin didn't hear the alarm or was too tired to get up since he had a big surprise for her. Erin heard the alarm. "Why is that thing going off it isn't time to get up yet." She groaned "sorry, I needed to get up early today. I have some things to do before work today, I'll see you there." Jay said "ok, just don't be late. Voight will kill you, and I don't want to live without you." Erin said "aww, how did I get so lucky to have a girl that cares about me so much." Jay said "you must of gotten really lucky." Erin said "well, I won't be late since I would never leave you to take care of two kids all by yourself." Jay said "ok. Well I'll see you later." Erin said "love you and I will see you later. Now go back to sleep." Jay said as he kissed Erin's head.

He got dressed he threw on some jeans a blue shirt and his jacket. He went to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle. Once he grabbed the water he grabbed his keys, phone, and wallet. Then he headed out of the apartment and to his car since they drove his car last night. When he got to his car he got in and sent a text to Justin and Antonio that said I'm on my way to The jewelers. Meet me there in 15 minutes. They both replied back by saying they would be leaving in 5 minutes. Jay had to make a quick stop before he went to the jewelers. He had to stop at Hanks place because he had been hiding the most important at his place. Jay had been hiding the idea of what he wanted the ring to look like at his place so that Erin couldn't find it.

When he had arrived at hanks place. He just sat in his car for a few minutes because he couldn't believe that today was the day that he would be buying the love of his life a ring. He knew that he wanted to get married one day but he didn't think he would find a girl that he couldn't live without. That was until he met Erin. Once he came back to reality he got out of his car went up to hanks door. He rang the doorbell, Hank was already up and ready for work. He had the paper in his hand, handed it Jay. "I'm so proud that Erin found someone like you Jay. I honestly mean it too." Hank said "thank you voight." Jay said. Jay left and headed to the jewelers. As Jay drove closer to the jewelers he got more nervous because he was hoping to pop the big question tonight or tmr. It only took Jay about 5 minutes to drive to the jewelers since he was speeding the whole time. Once he arrived he sat in his car for a few minutes, since he didn't realize how real this was becoming, but he was excited to get the ring for Erin.

"Hey Justin, Antonio" Jay said "hey Jay" Antonio said "Jay the man of my sisters dreams" Justin said "hey guys" Jay said "so are you nervous?" Dawson asked "extremely, I'm more nervous that she won't like the ring." Jay said "she will love whichever one you chose." Dawson said "Erin isn't that picky so whatever you chose she'll be happy." Justin said "i know that she isn't all that girly like some girls so I don't if I should go all out or keep it simple what do you guys think?" Jay said "I think that you know what to do but you're scared." Dawson said "since I know her better than both of you, Jay you love her right?" Justin asked "of course I do." Jay said "well then Antonio is right. You know what to do but you're scared that she won't like it but she will love it." Justin said "ok, you guys are right. So I have this plan of what I want it to kind of look like, I drew this awhile ago but I had to hide somewhere that Erin wouldn't find it and I'm going to do the same for the ring." Jay said "you hid it at Will's place?" Dawson asked "actually no, didn't think of that." Jay said "he hid it at my my father's place didn't you." Justin asked "how did you know?" Jay asked "Well, he is a big part of Erin's life, and I figured if anyone would know about this first it would be him, he would also be involved in what it looked like since he means so much to Erin." Justin said "Well, since he is the reason that Erin and I are together I figured he should be apart of this." Jay said "so what's the design" Dawson asked. "Well, I want the date that we started dating engraved on it, other than that I am not looking for something specific." Jay said "something basic with a diamond in the middle then?" Justin asked "Yea, now I just need to find it, which isn't as easy as it sounds." Jay said. "Hey Jay I think I found one you will like." Dawson said. Jay walked over to where Dawson and Justin were standing he looked at it through the glass. "excuse me may I please see that ring." Jay asked the store person. "Yes, you may." The store person said. "I hope that this is the one because I want to be able to pop the question soon." Jay said. "Here you go may I help you with anything else." He asked "umm, actually yes, I was wondering how long it would take for you to engrave a date on the band part." Jay asked "It would depend on what it would and how big you would like it." he said "I would like it to say 4-23-14 forever <3." Jay said. " I can do that for you, and it should only take about an hour, do you know her ring size?" He asked. "I can find out." Jay said "It's a 6.5" Justin said. "Ok, if you come back in about an hour it should be ready." He said "thank you" Jay said.

He paid for the ring then they all headed out to their cars, Jay and Antonio headed to work, and Justin he headed over to the district to see his sister and father since he doesn't get to see them very often. It only took them 20 minutes to get to the district. When they all arrived they headed inside, Dawson and Justin headed in before Jay. Jay just sat in his car to figure out when he wanted to propose since the ring would be ready in about an 40 minutes. He wanted it to be soon, he didn't want to go another day without Erin being fiancé but he also wanted the timing to be perfect.

"Hey dad" Justin said "hey Justin I didn't know you were coming in." Hank said "yea, I was out with Jay and Antonio and I thought I would stop by and see my favorite sister and father, so where is Erin?" Justin asked "she should be at her desk." Hank said "I'll go say hi to her on my way out. So I heard that Jay kept the idea of what he wanted to look like at your house." Justin said "yea, he did." Hank said "how did Erin not find it, she's at your place all the time." Justin said "there is one place in the house that neither of you know about so I just hid it there." Hank said "Oh, well if Jay hides the ring there, she will find it because I think she is starting to think he is gonna propose." Justin "She is starting to catch on slowly, she came to talk to me a while ago about because she didn't think she was ready." Hank said. "I think he is the best guy that she has dated." Justin said "He is a great guy, I'm just not ready to let her go." Hank said "I know it's going to be hard but you still see her everyday at work." Justin said "that is true, get her in here I want to talk to the two of you together." Hank said 

Justin open the door and walked out of his dad's office and looked for Erin who was suppose to be sitting at her desk. "Has anyone seen Erin?" Justin asked "Nope." Adam said "No" Alvin said "I thought she was in the break room." Dawson said "No, I was just in there she wasn't there." Kevin said. Hank walked out of his office and realized that no one has seen Erin. "where is Jay?" hank asked "He got here the same time that we did. He might still be in his car." Justin said "well he better get in here and Erin better be with him." hank said 

Justin head out to where Jay had parked his car. He knocked on Jay's window. "Hey Jay." he said "yea what's up?" Jay asked "do you know where Erin is." Justin asked "Her car is here, isn't she inside?" Jay asked "No, your future father-in law wants you upstairs." Justin said "I'm coming now." Jay said They both headed inside and it was really quite. "thank you for joining us Jay." Hank said "Yea, so is Erin missing?" Jay asked. "we don't know do you mind giving her a call?" Hank asked Jay dialed Erin's number and he went to voicemail. "Where the hell is Erin?" Hank yelled. 

 Erin's POV

I don't know where I am but it's dark, last thing I remember is that I had just arrived at the district and I saw that Jay wasn't at work yet. I was really confused because he is usually to work before if he has some things to do before work.Then everything goes black. 

Back at the district

" I want everyone out looking to detective Erin Lindsay, we don't leave until she is found." Hank says "Jay, I know she is your girlfriend, I will let you work the case but if I tell you to stay at the district you're staying at the district." hank said "all due respect sarge, I can't agree to that she is my girlfriend, the mother of my children. I am going to out there looking for her, however long that takes." Jay said  

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