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I didn't know how long I was out for. I heard a faint siren going off, seeming to be far away, but everything was still black.

I awoke in an ambulance, my vision still extremely blurry. I tried to look around, but couldn't see very far. What had happened? Then, I heard my mom's voice whispering to me.

"Emmi," she was saying between cries, "Emmi. Please. Please god make my Emmi alright."

My family. The car crash. Everything came flooding back. This was my fault. This never would have happened if I hadn't broke out in sobs. If dad hadn't needed to comfort me.

"Mommy!" I tried to scream, but it didn't come out as more than a whisper.
"Emmi!" Mom exclaimed, "you're awake! Oh thank goodness! You're going to be okay Em, just stay calm"
"Where is everyone," I asked, still unable to see where exactly mom was.
"Well, Gavin is in a separate ambulance. Our side of the car didn't experience too much impact, but either way, they said that the crash wasn't that bad. It could be much worse. They said that we were lucky that some of us were still conscious. Gav should be okay though."
"What about Daddy? Brocko? Dax?" I asked, I couldn't loose anybody else in my family.
Mom sighed, that wasn't a good sign.
"Dad and Dax are fine, just a few cuts."
"Brock!?" I asked, more awake by now and more worried than ever about my little brother.
"You and Brock had it the worst," mom said sadly, "He went unconscious. I don't know how he's doing yet."
I started to sob. My little brother. I couldn't imagine his state. He was my baby.
"Will he survive?" I asked between sobs.
"I don't know Em," mom said, she had come closer to my bed by now and was stroking my hair, "I sure hope so."

I was still unable to see my mom from where I was, but I could tell by her tone that she was upset. And that's when it hit me.

Author's Note:
Sorry for the short update! I will try to update again later today. Thank you for all your feedback! Do you guys think I should change the POV or leave it as Emmi? Love you all! -L

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