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I awoke the next morning to the sounds of my dad's voice vlogging. He was explaining the situation we were currently in when I croaked out, "Daddy."
"Loofus!!" Dad half screamed, coming over to hug me.
I smiled, "Hi daddy."

I looked around, mom was at the foot of my bed in an uncomfortable looking hospital chair sleeping. She was about eight months pregnant now and looked like she could pop at any moment. I felt bad for her. By the window was Gavin and Daxton. Daxton was sleeping on Gavin's lap and Gavin was watching America's Funniest Home Videos on dad's laptop. I noticed that Gavin had a neon green cast on his arm, already signed by Dax. Everybody was here, exhausted, but one person. My rambunctious little boy. My Brock. I looked up at my dad who was no sitting next to me on my bed.

"Daddy," I said softly, "where's Brock?"
Dad looked at me, "Don't worry Em, he'll be alright."
"But where is he?" I asked, more worried than ever by now.
"He's in surgery. He has been for the past hour or so. The doctors found that he has a major crack in his skull, so they had to go in and fix it. They planned to do it as soon as he woke up, which was a few hours ago. He should be alright though. He's conscious again." Dad was almost in tears from the news— both happy and sad.
"Oh..." I said, my voice overtaken with sadness.

I couldn't believe that the result of my stupid mistake, my stupid mourning was the possibility of loosing my little Brock. He can't leave. He has to fight. I know he's a fighter. Please Brocko. Please be okay.

I was lost in thought about Brock when I realized two things. One, what had happened to me? Why am I still in a hospital bed? And two, I had missed my birthday and my birthday celebrations because of this stupid car accident. I was ten now, double digits, and I had forgotten all about it. I looked at my dad again.

"Daddy..." I started.
Dad looked at me, tears starting to form in his eyes. I could tell he was trying to be strong. For me.
"Yes Loofus?" He asked.
"What exactly happened to me..." I questioned.
He laughed a little, "So you never found out what happened to yourself?"
"Well... No. I've been so occupied with worrying about Brock." I said.
"Don't worry your little head about Brock, leave the worrying to us. He'll be okay. You will be fine. You're still here because they want to monitor you for a few more hours. You blacked out, but there was no concussion. You broke your leg, so you'll be on crutches for a while, and you had to get stitches on your stomach because of some glass from the window." He smiled.
"Good," I said, relieved that nothing too bad happened to me.
Dad kissed me on the head and said, "go back to sleep Loofus, we still have a bit of waiting to do and it's still very early."

I closed my eyes, but never quite fell asleep. I was too busy thinking. Thinking about my little Brocko. Thinking about the accident. Thinking about mom and Willow. Thinking about Avia.

My eyes still closed, I heard mom and dad whispering to each other, followed by the door opening and footsteps walking towards my parents. It must be the doctor.

"Mr. and Mrs. Butler," he said, his voice calm, "Brock's surgery was successful. He's currently sleeping now, but he should wake once the sedation wares off."
"Thank you Doctor Johnson," dad replied, his voice filled with joy, "and please, call us Shay and Colette."
With that, the doctor left the room and mom and dad were left to celebrate.

Mom came to my bed and shook me awake, thinking I was asleep the whole time. I rolled with it.
"Sweetie," I heard her voice say, "Emmi."
I groaned, "what?" I asked, rubbing my eyes, pretending as if I was asleep the whole time.
Mom chuckled, "we just got news that Brocko's alright. Would you like to go see him?" She asked.
I jolted up, "YES!" I screamed.

Mom and dad both laughed at my reaction and then helped me into a wheelchair with all of my devices still connected to me. Dad pushed me out of the room, along with my IV pole, as Mom, Gavin and sleeping Dax followed.

"Here we are. Room 208." Dad said cheerfully. He started to push the door open as I braced myself for what was to come. Dad wheeled me closer to Brock's bed and I gasped. I couldn't believe what I saw.

Author's Note:
Guys!!!! 160 reads!? That's crazy! Thank you so much! I never would have thought that so many people would like my book. This really means a lot to me! And, I decided to spare you guys and not kill off Brock... Or will I?? Anyway, thank you again for all of your feedback! I really appreciate it! I love you all so much!!! -L

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