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September 20, 2017. Three weeks since Brock fell into his second coma. Four weeks left for him to wake up. One week since I found Avia's note. One week and three days until Willow's due date.


I look at Avia's note everyday. Out of confusion. Out of frustration. But mostly out of love. It reminds me of her everyday and it's the final thing I received from her.

Brock still hasn't woken up, but we still haven't given up hope. We continue to hope and pray everyday and we know that he will fight as hard as his little body can.

The whole extended family has been on and off shifts on staying with Brock. I can tell mom and dad are extremely grateful that they aren't constantly there with him, but I can tell that they're still worried. They always have their phones with them in case someone calls.

Poor Daxton still doesn't know exactly what's happening. He's finally grasped the fact that Avia isn't coming back, but has yet to understand why Brock isn't home. Everyday he will look at one of us with his big blue eyes and ask, "When Brock coming home?" and we never know how to answer. At this point, it's a question if he will come home. There's still hope, but his chance of surviving is decreasing more and more as days start to pass. It's almost been a month, but it's felt like an eternity. An eternity without my Brockules.

We were all at home, once again. Mom and dad never going too long without their phone, hoping for a phone call from our relatives or the doctor, but it still has yet to arrive with news of our little guy.

It was 10:04am. Mom was in the bathroom doing her makeup, dad was in his office watching old Shaytard videos. Gavin was doing school. Daxton was watching some superhero movie for the millionth time and I was sitting at the counter in the kitchen, trying my hardest to focus on the lesson going on on my computer, but finding myself constantly spacing out.

I got up to get a snack when I heard mom. She was yelling for dad, her voice filled with fear. Gavin and I looked at each other and sprinted into our parents room, fearing the worst. Mom was standing, clutching the bathroom counter and dad was standing next to her.

"It's okay," he was saying, his voice soothing and calm, "Deep breaths baby, deep breaths"
He looked up and saw me and Gavin, our faces said it all. We were worried.
"It's alright guys," he said, "your mother has gone into labor."
Gavin and I gasped. It was too early. The baby wasn't due for at least another week! Dad started helping mom out to the car and I looked at him.
"Can I come?" I asked, I wanted to see the birth of my new baby sister. It's what Avia would have done.
Dad looked at mom, "Colette?" He asked.
Mom looked up, "If she would like," she replied, her voice calmer that I would have expected.

I piled into the car with mom and dad. Gavin was watching Daxton because Gavin didn't want to come and Daxton was too young. Dad called Uncle Casey to come down and watch them and asked Aunt Kayli if she wanted to join because that was the original plan.

Dad spend to the hospital as fast as he could, while being safe of course. Mom was in the front, taking deep breaths. I was amazed at how calm she was.

Ten minutes later, dad swerved into a parking spot and signed mom in. She got settled in her room and was much calmer now that everything was hooked up. Aunt Kayli walked into the room and greeted us. I smiled. I was glad I was able to be here.

Mom got the epidural, which I stepped out of the room for, and before I knew it, Willow was arriving into the world. It was amazing to watch. Mom was so calm and collected during the whole thing, despite how much pain she was in. I was nestled next to dad, watching in awe. I had seen Daxton's birth, but everyone is different. It was an incredible experience.


The room that was once filled with the humming of machines and the tears of pain and happiness from my mother was now replaced with the sound of a wailing baby girl. My baby sister. She was beautiful. She had bright blue eyes and lots and lots of bright blonde hair. She looked just like me and Daxton did. She was perfect.

Just when we thought it was over, more wailing filled the room. A different wail from my new sister's. A new wail. Aunt Kayli was holding Willow and mom was delivering an unexpected second baby. The once peaceful room was now hectic and filled with the bustling of nurses entering and exiting. I tried to look, but it was too crowded. I didn't know what was going on. Willow had a twin? Did mom and dad now about this? My mind was filled with confusion and questions, but I shook them off and focused on mom and Willow and Willow's twin.

It all went by so fast. Willow and mom were healthy. The new baby was born with the chord wrapped around it's neck and died before mom could fully deliver it. I asked dad about all of it and he told me that they were unaware of the second baby. She was so small, that she went unnoticed and didn't have any chance at survival. Mom and dad decided to name her Savannah Lily, their second name choice for Willow and sadness and joy filled the once loud, bustling room as we mourned the loss of Savannah Lily, while also celebrating the successful arrival of Willow Eve. It was a mixed emotion sort of moment.

Author's Note:
Sorry for the lame chapter... I didn't really know how to write this. Anyway, before you guys comment, I know, I'm mean. But I hope you liked it! Love you guys (even if I am evil to you)! -L

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