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These past few months, I've never taken in consideration of how everyone else felt. I shut myself out from the world for weeks on end. I never realized how much Avia's death affected anyone but myself.

Mom and dad lost their oldest daughter. Gavin lost his closest sibling. Brock lost his role model. Daxton lost his second mommy. Mom lost her sassy little baby girl. Dad lost his bravest child.

Everybody had lost someone important to them that day. Everybody was suffering. Everybody but me was following dad's life motto: "happiness is a choice". Everybody but me was taking other people's feelings into consideration.

I had never realized how upset mom had been about Avia's death until now. She had lost her first baby girl, her little girly girl. Avia was the one who would follow in mom's footsteps. Avia and mom both did cheer, but I quit cheer for dance last year. Avia and mom both loved make-up and jewelry, I hated that kind of stuff. Avia and mom both loved doing their hair in fancy up dos, I never did more than a braid or two. Avia and mom both loved Belle from Beauty and the Beast the most, I never cared much for princesses. Mom lost the child that most resembled her. Everyone knew that. Avia's long brown hair and big brown eyes even looked like moms.

Mom was so afraid about loosing me, her only daughter for now. That's why mom came with me in the ambulance with me, even though it was clear that Brock had a lesser chance of surviving. I knew it would kill mom if I didn't survive.

I turned my head in the direction I felt moms hand on head. I saw a faint, blurry figure that I knew was my mom.

"I'm sorry!!" I started to wail.
Mom looked startled, "Emmi, sweetie, why are you sorry?" She asked concerned.
"This is all my fault," I started to rant while sobbing uncontrollably, "This never would have happened if I wasn't so selfish!"
"Oh, sweetie," mom said while stroking my hair, "This isn't your fault at all, please don't think that way."
"Yes it is!" I screamed, I was sobbing so hard at this point that I was starting to hyperventilate.
"Shh... Sweetie, don't think that way," mom whispered, trying to calm me down, "breath honey, deep breaths. Everything is going to be okay."


Once I calmed down, I drifted off to sleep and the next think I knew I was lying in a hospital bed. I was connected to all types of machines and mom was by my side, holding my hand.

"Hey sleepyhead," mom chuckled.
I smiled, "Hi mommy. Where is everyone?"
"All of the boys are in Brock's hospital room, daddy will be in here soon to check on you." Mom said, smiling at me.
"What happened to Gav?" I asked.
"Gav is fine. He just has a broken arm from the impact, but other than that, he's good to go." Mom said happily.
I was thrilled to hear Gav was okay.
"Daddy and Dax?" I questioned, afraid of hearing about Brock.
"Daddy is completely fine, he just needed some stitches in his leg from the glass and Dax didn't get anything severe at all, just a few scrapes here and there, but no stitches or anything." Mom replied.
Good. My dad and my baby brother were fine, now the scary question.
"Brocko?" I said, quieter that usual.
Mom sighed. "Brock..." She started. I could tell that she was on the verge of tears. "Brock got a concussion. He hasn't woken yet and the doctors say that if doesn't wake in two days, he's not going to make it. They have him on life support at the moment, but we aren't sure if he'll make it."
I gasped. I could loose my little brother because of some stupid mistake I made. I needed my Brocko. He still had so much left in life. He's going to have a little sister soon, he was so excited to be a big brother again. He's only six. And I started to sob even more, joining my mom who started to cry before I could even react.

Author's Note:
I know.... I'm so evil. What's gonna happen to Brock? I'm going to try and make these chapters longer, so it may take longer to update. Thank you all for all of your nice feedback! It means so much to me. Should I keep this story as Emmi's point of view or should I change it? I love you guys! -L

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