~ Chapter Three - Almost Stole Her Thunder ~

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Calum ended up just taking me to the movies and going home because we didn't know when the wedding was and we had to start planning. Oh! And, Calum and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary 2 weeks ago! I have never been happier in my life.

My dad has officially moved out, along with most of my brothers, and now I am officially living with Calum and his mom. I moved out of my house, and now I'm planning on getting my own place with Calum after we graduate, but until then I am staying in Mali-Koa's old room. Mali moved out a while ago, but she agreed to be in the wedding, seeing as she's a family member. Calum was supposed to be in the wedding party as well, but "plans change", and he's not. Calum and Mali-Koa worked on most of the details if what was going to happen because I have to be in this wedding party, and apparently it has to be a surprise to me.

Lucifer has become "roomates" with Anthony and is now going steady with him. He has also agreed to be part of this stupid wedding. He is the happiest emo person. Boy, that's anticlimactic. Okay, you can read my actual chapter now.


It's been 1 month since the planning started. Today is officially the wedding, and we only knew that for the past 4 days. I have never been so excited for anything in my whole life. Calum drove me to my house, where all of the bridesmaids getting dressed. He dropped me off, and went to the church because he didn't have to get ready with anybody. "Bye, Callie!" I said. "Bye Rory," Calum replied, giving me a quick kiss before I got out of the car and started walking up the driveway. 

I walked inside of the house, and I walked over to the dining room where all of the dresses were. They were gorgeous. (A/N: The dress is at the top) I went over to the dress with the hanger that said my name, and I took it off of the rack and went to change. I went to go to my old room, when my mom stopped me in the hallway.

"Hi honey!" She exclaimed, wearing more makeup than Lucifer and a clown combined. I was actually kind of scared when I saw her. 

"Hi, Mom..." I said awkwardly because we hadn't seen each other (since before last night for the rehearsal, of course) since Luce and I left.

"How does my makeup look Aurora?" My mom asked me.

"Honestly, it looks like sh*t. It is not flattering." I said, knowing she wasn't listening to me anyway.

"Oh, okay honey thanks!" She said, ignoring what I just said.

I walked away from her, to go upstairs to my room. I looked at the stairs. I remembered the time Lucifer and Brody chased me around the house for a condom I got out of a public bathroom, and I ran into the banister and cracked my head open. I laughed at the memory and went into my old, now empty room. I had so many memories in here as well. I was the firstborn, and so I was the only one who had their own room. There were marks on my door from when Frederick held Sammy and tried to ram him into my door to knock it out. They only thing they succeeded in was in giving Sammy a concussion. 

I changed into the dress, put on my silver high heels, and walked downstairs carefully to get my hair done. I already did my makeup because I wasn't letting people transform my face into whatever my mom's face now is. I sat in the hairdresser's chair, and she came over to me.

'Hello, dear, what's your name?" The girl asked me.

"Aurora. Rory for short please, I hate my name," I replied back to her.

"I know what you mean, Rory. I was also named after a princess, and my parents split my name into two names." The girl said, starting to brush out my natural waves. I was shocked.

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