~ Chapter Twelve - The Last of Luce ~

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(A/N: I think the sad plot twist will come in the next chapter,, for unlucky 13, so yeah, sorry.)


Rory fell into my shoulder, sobbing. The unexpected word hit us like a meteor, except we didn't die. But, it felt like a part of us died, or at least a part of us was dying because it was.

"Well, the ultrasound could be wrong, it could just be extra placenta or something," The doctor said, but Rory and I knew that was just a cover up. I started to cry, and Rory and I brought each other into a strong hug. We apologized for being rude to each other, seeing that we had even bigger problems to deal with now. Stupid hormones and dumb fights were so worthless, and even more so now.

The doctor said we were free to go, but he wanted to see us weekly instead of monthly to keep an eye on the tumor. Rory walked into the bathroom, changed, and came back out, still crying. I took her hand, and we walked out of the hospital, and Rory said, "Calum, it's all my fault. I've been b*tchy and it caused stress to make a tumor." She looked at me, tears still flowing. It wasn't her fault. It was mine. But, I didn't want to pass the blame back and forth, so I simply said,  "Rory, no it isn't. It's neither one of our faults. We had no control over this." I told her, bringing her in for another hug.

She stayed silent after that, and before we knew it, we were back home, and Rory said, "And thanks for everything, your help has made my pregnancy a lot easier. I'm sorry for calling you annoying. I love you," A smile formed on her face even though she was still crying.

"No problem, I love you too," I said.

I helped her out of the car and into the house. My mum greeted us at the door.

"So....?" She asked us.

"It's a boy," I said, not as happy as I should've been. But how could I be happy? My son may not come into this world alive! How could I even try to fake a smile at this point?

"Could you be any less enthused?" My mum asked, and Rory unleashed her tears. "What's wrong, Rory? Is the baby okay?" she asked her.

"They thought he was, until they saw a tumor. Cancer, Mum." I told her, trying to hold back my tears. But I couldn't. I joined Rory and my tears drenched her. Before we could get it together, my mum's tears came out, and we all stayed in that hug for about 30 minutes.


After the three of us practically emptied our tear ducts until they were dry as hell, we all sat down, and my mum called for a family meeting.

"Look, I know how hard this is on you, and even on me, but we'll get through this. We got through Calum's stage where he was so mad because of the simple fact that he couldn't see his eyebrows," She said with a laugh. I said stern, remembering that.

"That wasn't a stage, Mum, I'm still mad about that. And for your information, it is not a simple fact. I mean, if they're there, why can't I see them? If they know how I feel, why would they-" I said, but was cut off by my mum.

"Okay, Calum, relax. I'm just saying, even if this little baby does have cancer, we'll get through it." My mum said, but I was still so fu*king mad.

"But, Miss Hood," Rory started, "What if-what if he doesn't make it?" She asked, and we were all afraid of the answer.

"Rory, that could happen, I'm not going to lie to you. But, we will cherish every moment we have with him, whether that means in the pregnancy or after." She said with a smile, and I could see tears in her eyes.

"First, we need a name," I said, trying to change the subject a little.

"Ben?" Rory asked.

"Nah, that's so basic. My son will not be basic." I said with a laugh, even though they both knew I was dead serious.

He's A Jock {Calum Hood} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now