Chapter 3 Rules V.S Instincts

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Lilith followed her teammates down a ridge into the woods past camp. The stars in the midnight sky twinkled as if communicating with each other from afar. She'd always wondered why stars were so beautiful when they were only balls of gas millions of miles away. She gazed up at the black stretch of sky for a long moment like a giant canvas painting on display for everyone to see.

She wondered why a person could transform into such a beast from the pull of a full moon and have no control over themselves whatsoever. The moon must be super powerful if it could turn a mere person into such a monstrous creature. Yet just like the stars, the moon itself was a mystery just waiting to be solved. The moon and stars were so alike on many ways but so was humans and monstrous beasts. If only the supernatural was as amazing as the human race. If only the hunters understood their rivalries more, maybe than both sides wouldn't be out for each other's blood.

"Lilith!" A voice jolted her from her thoughts and she jumped only to see her teammates waiting for her. She hurried to catch up with them.

She tucked a loose strand of hair from her bun behind her ear as she followed them through the trees. The sound of footsteps was the only sound she could hear besides the occasional hoot of an owl nearby. The trees twisted branches looked like long deadly claws reaching out to grab you.

Tate led the way deeper into the woods, silence thick in the air. So thick Isabelle could cut it with a knife. The owl had stopped hooting and she even blocked out the sound of the crunch of pines beneath her boots as she walked.

"We're gonna show you the most usual places a werewolf can roam in the forest during a moon," Tate's voice interrupted the quiet. "Werewolves will most likely be in dense parts of a forest and lurk in the shadows so they can take their enemy by surprise when they least expect it."

Lilith rolled her eyes because she already knew this although she made no remark. She looked to see Brian smirking at her and she flipped him off.

The hunters continued through the forest and Tate signaled for all of them to turn off their flashlights. Lilith uncertainly switched off her only source of light knowing she didn't have night vision. She blindly stumbled through the darkness almost bumping into a tree and cursed under her breath.

She was so relieved when Tate turned on his flashlight after a few minutes and shone the beam on a silver stake sticking out of the ground that she almost didn't notice the bright red liquid on the stake's sharp tip. Blood . . . And it was fresh.

"Werewolf blood," Tate breathed echoing Lilith's thoughts. His gaze lowered to something on the ground and Lilith's eyes widened when she saw what had caught his attention.

It was a paw print. A fairly large paw print ten times the size of a pit bull's paw print. 

But . . . but how?! Lilith wondered in confusion. It's not a full moon, how can a werewolf come out in their wolf form not on a full moon?

Lucille reached for the pistol in her holster and Brian tensed.

"Brian, take Lilith back to camp and send reinforcements to help us hunt down this thing," Tate ordered.

Lilith stared at Tate in shock. What? Send me back?  Before she could protest, a hand grabbed her's and she was forced to follow Brian back through the woods wanting nothing more but to go back. She wanted so desperately to break free of his grip, to run back but she knew she couldn't disobey Tate's orders.

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