Chapter 5 Answers

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Image of what Kate looks like above^^
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Being born a hunter gave a person certain abilities that no other people had. Unique abilities in other words meaning special skills one could do that weren't very common in other people. Being a hunter had given Isabelle the advantage of strength and cunningness. Hunters were supposed to be as sly as a fox, as brave as an Ox-but not as foolish as a hare running into the claws of a mountain lion without a second thought.

That's what Lilith had been-just a foolish hare that had thrown itself into danger out of desperation-reckless, Childish...screwed, just like Kate said. She was so screwed.

Lilith thought about trying to go to her father, tell him she had been bit by a werewolf and was going to turn into one on the next full moon, but he would never believe her. How could he believe his own daughter if she told him she was mankind's most feared creature? Than she realized, her father wouldn't believe her, he would think she had bees in her brain if his daughter suddenly showed up back at camp to claim she was a werewolf so she couldn't possibly go home. And if she couldn't confide in anyone she trusted to help her out than she guessed she just had to find someone she didn't trust to get the answers she needed.

And Kate was the very last person in the supernatural world Isabelle ever thought she could trust to maybe help her find a solution to her problems. After all, the woman was the one whom had gotten Lilith in this mess in the first place-or was it Lilith whom had gotten herself in this mess? Never mind that, Lilith needed to find a cure, and fast or she would be furry for the rest of her now miserable pathetic life.

Lilith was still curled up on the floor like a baby, hugging her knees to her chest in comfort as her mind raced over and over, pounding like crazy. She was coming down with a serious headache which she did not deserve just like she did not deserve being bit by a werewolf on her sixteenth birthday. Heck, maybe she did deserve being bit by a werewolf-maybe this was God's way of punishing her for disobeying the stupid rules. The rules that were made to keep reckless hunters like her safe.

But Some rules are meant to be broken, A little voice whispered in her head. Lilith shook her head to clear her thoughts and struggled to her feet. Kate was still standing there, watching Lilith closely like some sort of creep but Lilith ignored it.

"You know I'm not really dead," Lilith said, staring back coldly at Kate.

Kate brushed her silver locks out of her face and stuck out her bottom lip in a pouty face. She was practically mocking Lilith.

"Oh, Darling," she huffed as if she were exhausted with Lilith's remarks, than she smiled sincerely-a sincerely evil grin that sent a chill down Lilith's spine. Somehow Kate was even more intimidating as a human than in wolf form. "Don't you know? We're all immortal, really. Being so called monsters is what we are, what you are. Feared by humans and hunted down for our pelts. Hunters have a love for planting bullets made of silver in our skulls, tracking us down and torturing us with silver alloy until our wolves howl in mercy. We try to fight back, we do fight back and this-" She motioned to Isabelle with a hand. "Is what its come to. Preying on young hunters and huntresses for vengeance. Getting revenge on our enemies that have killed so many of our kind over the years by Merely taking advantage of our enemies by turning them into one of our own and...making their worst nightmares come true."

Lilith stared at Kate, unsure of what to say.

"Where am I?" She mustered enough strength to ask the Alpha werewolf. It was a question that had been on her mind since she awoke after the attack.

Kate looked around as if she had no clue where she was either but than the woman smiled at Lilith. "You're in my pack house, dear-just on the outskirts of Chesterfield and away from those wretched hunters and their camp."

Lilith bawled her hands into fists, desperately wanting to punch Kate in her stupid face. She wished that the Alpha werewolf wouldn't keep calling her dear. She assumed the woman only called her that to get on her nerves and it was working.

Pack house...Great. Just GREAT. Pack houses were what werewolves called a house with their kin living in it-so they were basically like a home for werewolves that was big enough to hold an entire pack. Lilith had read about pack houses in her books and learned that they could be really big and their size varied  given how big a pack could be. She missed her books. She missed her father, she missed her life. As much as Lilith hated the prospect of trying to get Kate to help her, she had to find a cure and hopefully before the next moon so Lilith wouldn't have to transform into a werewolf.

"I need your help," she said, turning her attention to Kate. "I can't be a werewolf-I want to be a hunter...please help me."

Kate's smile fell and she was silent for a long moment before she sighed in defeat and sat down on the bed Isabelle had been restrained in earlier. She stared a long time out the bared window across the room and Lilith feared Kate would refuse to help her.

"Look, Lilith," Kate said at last, standing up. "I can't help you. If it's a cure you're looking for, you probably won't find one because nobody knows if there even is one. The thing I can do is let you join my pack but not everyone will accept you given you were a hunter before this. You don't have to join MoonPack if you don't want to but it's something for you to keep in mind...Think about it."

Lilith unclenched her fists, feeling her limbs ache and her desperation fade all at once. Kate was offering Lilith to join her pack-accept that there was no cure but Lilith could never accept becoming a monster, never. She would find a cure-even if it killed her. She would be a hunter, no matter what the cost. Kate didn't know her. Kate was her enemy. She couldn't possibly become allies with her own enemy. She couldn't become the enemy-The same thing that had killed her mother without a second thought and attacked her.

"I need to find a cure," she whispered, glaring at Kate. "I will find a cure and fix this no matter what the consequences. I'm sorry Kate but I can never join your pack-not now, not ever." With that, the young huntress turned and stalked past Kate and out the door without a second glance behind her.

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Heyyyyy! Sorry I haven't updated in a couple months but there's the next chapter. I hope you enjoyed reading it just as much as I enjoyed writing it for you guys and I love you all. Wow! ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-NINE reads already! I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but it's a lot to me so I really thank you guys for that. I'm sorry if this update was short or not interesting enough and I promise the next chapter will be better. *crosses fingers.*

Well, bye my lovelies and I'll catch you guys in the next update! 😁

Yours sincerely,
Alexis Peters

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