Chapter 9 No Moon

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It was nightfall by the time Lilith walked the seemingly long way back towards Chesterfield and straight back to the forest she'd first made camp at not to long ago. The sky was a hazy gray, completely enveloped by a never ending stretch of clouds which made it seem like it was gonna storm soon. Lilith couldn't smell the scent of coming rainfall with her super werewolf symptoms but that didn't mean it wasn't going to rain tonight. She only prayed that this expected storm wouldn't last long and would be durable for her. She already felt as if a storm cloud was raging down upon her, soaking her in its wrath but she didn't try to push it away. Her emotions were overwhelming her, hitting her like a rolling wave or a clap of thunder. The new reality hadn't yet seemed to sink in all the way as she headed deeper into the woods. The trees seemed to close in around her making her feel suddenly claustrophobic as her mind spun with wonderment. The image of Rita and the levitating broom popped into her mind and than an image of a man with rich brown hair and piercing emerald green eyes.

Your mother is so proud, love bug....

You will begin again and than and only than will your heart be whole. Isabelle, this is your destiny.

It was all too much. Lilith didn't know what else to do so she grasped her hair and tugged until it hurt and she felt her hair ripping from her scalp painfully. She opened her mouth as tears rolled down her cheeks, her eyes wide with despair and misery. How could this happen? How could this possibly come to be?

Lilith was dead to everyone she once knew so she couldn't go back home but she also had nowhere else to go. Her life she had once known was gone and now she knew she really wasn't going to get it back. She would never wake up in her own cozy bedroom anymore to her father's smiling face or laugh at Brian's ridiculous teasing. The girl that had used to stare out her bedroom window yearning to hunt was just a ghost in her head. That bright spiritless girl whom would always train with her father in the training room was just a mere stranger to her now and Lilithcouldn't decide if that was a good thing or a bad thing. All she knew was that Rita was right. Her heart was broken. She was Nobody. A nobody with a broken heart and no life. And that logic was enough for Lilith's entire being to break.

No, Literally. Lilith was beginning to lose herself completely. Something stirred within her, beginning to break through the surface to envelope her like the darkness surrounding her. She fell to her knees and her entire body spasmed uncontrollably as her organs began to tear within her painfully. She clawed desperately at her chest as a burning sensation overcame her so scorching hot it felt as if she were being cooked alive from the inside out. As if things couldn't get much worse, every little bone in Lilith's body began to break like glass as she thrashed around on the ground, opening her mouth to scream in agony. Through her torture a single thought came through her mind, a distant memory from her once beloved books.

The first change of a full moon is relatively painful for a newly bitten werewolf. Not to go into further detail but the cursed victim of the pull of a full moon will be too weak to resist the transformation from a man to a beast and the beast will take over the man entirely. Thus newly transformed beast will only have one instinct in its mind and said instinct is to hunt and to kill.

This single memory conflicted Lilith's thoughts as her eyes rolled in the back of her head and she arched her back until her spine felt as if it were going to break in half. Somehow, she found herself lying with her back on the ground and when she glimpsed through the treetops her mind filled with a sudden dread at what she saw.

In the hazy dark sky a single raindrop fell and landed on Lilith's cheek. There were no stars to shine light through the darkness but the one thing that really caught Lilith's attention was that there was no giant gleaming swollen fat moon high above the treetops. In fact, through the almost too clear sky Lilith saw that there was no moon at all.

Her dread turned into confusion before Lilith's onslaught of pain thickened to cover her like a blanket. But the young girl soon forgot all about the pain as the wolf took over, consuming her whole in its mighty jaws. And all the beast knew was to hunt.

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Hello my lovelies! 😁 I'm pretty sure this is the shortest chapter I've ever done in this book by far but the next chapter will be longer.
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               Alexis Peters 😘

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