Chapter 6 Not a Savior

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Lilith didn't know anybody other than her fellow hunters and huntresses back at camp. She had grown up around hunters, and as a young child, grew used to their ways of life; their duties, their training techniques and even the way they ran their lifestyles.

She had been born in the hunters' camp and had learned so much about hunting when she was young. She remembered Older hunters boasting about how many kills they made and making jokes about how easy it had been to fire a shot while aiming just at the right target. Lilith had felt yearning inside hearing them talk about hunting like it was the best thing in the world, and wanted desperately to grow up so she could be a full hunter and help save mankind from the terrifying beasts. It's all she ever wanted in her life. To be a hunter-a savior. To change the world, make it a better place and she still wanted that. She wanted to be be special, worthy. But now, Now...she felt like nothing. She was no hero, and she didn't know if she ever could be one after what had happened to her. Maybe this was her destiny, her real destiny. Maybe she was always supposed to grow up training to be a hunter, only to get bit and turned into a werewolf.

Her mother had always said things happen for a reason, if only Lilith knew what that reason was. Was her mother always supposed to get mauled by werewolves when she was just a young girl? Was Lilith always gonna get attacked by a werewolf on her sixteenth birthday? Perhaps. Perhaps not.

It was all so confusing to her now. No matter how many times or how hard Lilith tried to grasp the thought of her becoming a werewolf, she just couldn't comprehend it-Any of it. It was like when she had memories of a good time in her life, like memories of her mother. Whenever Lilith tried to remember her mom, she had a blurred image in her mind of what she thought was a talk beautiful woman, with long straight brown hair, and chestnut brown eyes before the picture blurred and it vanished completely. She couldn't quite remember what her mother actually looked like, for it'd been so long, but she knew she had known her mom somehow, yet she couldn't remember anything about her. Lilith's mind was jumbled up when she tried to remember her mom, just like it was jumbled up now at the thought of her turning into a werewolf on the next full moon. The only reason Lilith knew her mother had always used to say things happen for a reason, is because her father had told her. The point was that she couldn't take in the truth of getting bit by a werewolf, just like she couldn't be able to remember her mother much, no matter how hard she tried. Lilith was absolutely, unconditionally clueless.

But Despite her cluelessness, Lilith knew she had to find a cure. Curing herself would make it all better-at least she wouldn't be a furry beast on all fours every full moon. Maybe when she found a cure, Lilith could live her life as a hunter again. The possibilities were endless, although there was one teensy problem that Isabelle didn't know what to do about. Since the last full moon had been two days before her Birthday, and it'd been a day since than, she had only twenty-four and a half days till the next full moon. That wasn't a very long time for her to find a cure if it didn't exist, like Kate had said.  Lilith couldn't just spend all that time, searching for a cure to her solution even though she was real desperate to get back to her old life as soon as possible.

Remembering that zombies had once walked the earth due to a deadly virus that spread around the world, Lilith recalled the antivirus had been created about three and a half years after the outbreak, so that meant finding a cure for werewolves wasn't going to be easy, and it was probably gonna take a lot of time for it to be made or found. Lilith felt fear wash over her from head to toe at the thought of transforming into a werewolf on every full moon for who knew how long until a cure came to be. She couldn't search for a cure for more than twenty-four and a half days! She would become her worst nightmare every 29.5 days and search around for a cure during that time, which she didn't want. All Lilith wanted was to go back to her life, forget that she ever got bit by a werewolf ever again. But she couldn't do that if she couldn't get a cure, now could she?

Lilith sighed and sank down to sit on a boulder, resting her chin in her hands to stare longingly into the distance. She was in a forest-not the woods near the hunters' camp where she'd been attacked-but a different forest much more closer to the town of Chesterfield. After leaving Kate's pack house, Lilith had realized she had nowhere else to go, and took refuge in the forest near town. Nobody rarely wandered into the forest outside of Chesterfield due to a "NO TRESPASSING" sign and "Violators will be Prosecuted" warnings hammered up on the fence surrounding the woods. Lilith didn't care if she got caught by authorities a.k.a, the police force of Chesterfield, for she could probably easily get away from them due to her history of training as a hunter to be sneaky and lithe. Just the remembrance of training in the training room back at camp made longing ache in Lilith's heart, piercing deep into it with a needle sharp thorn.

Your mother would be so proud, Lilith's father's words echoed in her skull. She shook her head fiercely, as if to clear it from all of her thoughts threatening to consume her, and got up to pace around.

Bright sunlight shone through the branches of the trees, casting shafts of light on Lilith's face. The sound of birdsong rang in her ears, and it was so sickeningly mesmerizing, that Lilith felt the urge to pull out her pistol and shoot all the flying birds down in order to maintain the peace and quiet for a bit longer. Instead, she kept her gun sheathed, and gritted her teeth in annoyance as the singing continued. Firing a gun would probably draw the attention of any close police force and right now, she didn't want to deal with any more problems other than trying to find a cure to fix herself.

Lilith had no idea where to go to first to search for any kind of antidote to what she had. She thought about asking people for help but, it wasn't like she could ask around where she could find a cure to a supernatural curse. Besides, most non-hunters or people whom were not supernatural beings, had no idea that werewolves or vampires or magical beings even existed. They just thought they were make believe in movies and books and...wait! That was it!

Books! Lilith had always loved reading books as a little girl, perhaps she could find a book or two on cures to bites belonging to werewolves. Most supernatural books didn't exist in human possession, but Lilith had heard of a library not too far from Chesterfield, if you could even call it that. She had heard hunters talking about this library like it was some kind of gothic punk rock hangout, yet it consisted of antiqued possessions and other weird belongings besides books. Perhaps this library was the key to unlock the door to her answers. If going to this library meant a shot at unlocking that door, Lilith had to find it. Maybe than she could go back home normal, and be embraced by her father and Brian, whom would be glad she wasn't dead. Maybe.

As Lilith began to head through the forest, she had to remind herself the second time that day, that she was no savior-yet she could become one if she found this cure. She could be a hero to everyone if she got a cure and went back home, but most of all...she could be a hunter, just like she dreamed of. Just like she knew she could be. A hunter, a savior of mankind.

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Sorry...I sort of rushed this chapter  but, thanks for reading it and please share, vote and comment-it'd really make my day. This chapter is dedicated to all my amazing readers and followers because I really appreciate all your guys' support. I love you all and hope you have a Fantabulous day!

                Alexis  😘

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