Chapter 12 This new life

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Lilith's life, as far as she had once known, ended on June 18th, 2018-her sixteenth birthday. It'd been a Sunday and the young teenager had had a wonderful birthday, despite the fact she'd gotten bit by a werewolf. The journey for a cure had ended badly for Lilith-discovering that she could transform into her wolf form, not on a full moon due to her attacking and killing two people. She knew she could never wash their blood off her hands-or paws-because the memory of it would haunt her to the end of her days. She hadn't known what to do without a cure, and she still had no idea what to do, but she was determined to start over-to accept becoming a werewolf, a beast to mankind because that's what she was. All anyone would see her as was a monster. She felt like one too, except that she felt guilty for those two victims she had killed. Her wolf had torn them apart without hesitation, as if it had found great joy in causing pain to others, hearing their screams of agony, yet feeling nothing for them.

All the wolf had known than, was the hunt. Hunting down innocent prey and attacking them viciously was what it had been born to do. Lilith hadn't been able to control the beast inside so it had broken free to prey on innocent men and women. Lilith vowed that she wouldn't let that happen again, she vowed that she would learn to control her wolf-and if she couldn't, than she would do what she should've done the moment she had gotten bitten; shoot herself with a silver bullet. Death did not scare Lilith now that she knew she was a werewolf-death could never compare to living as an evil beast for the rest of her new life. This fact was so understandable, Lilith felt like it was a long lost friend and she sighed softly.

Kate had shown her her new room she'd be staying at during her time in MoonPack and Lilith was now sitting on her new bed, staring out the window, lost in her own thoughts. The position she was in was all too familiar. It was the same position Lilith had been in two days before her sixteenth birthday. Two days before the day her world turned upside down forever but she felt no longing in her heart for the life she had once known. For that life was gone and it wasn't coming back. Oddly enough she didn't miss that it was gone. Perhaps her wolf's mind was effecting her human brain but it was still strange to Lilith . Layla was silent. Layla, the beast whom had killed an innocent couple, was deadly silent as if she were waiting permission to speak to Lilith but Lilith had nothing to say to the beast within. Her gaze remained fixated out the window, watching pack members do what seemed like ordinary routines in the life of a pack and she stifled a yawn. Her entire being ached but she had forced herself to take a long hot shower to remove all the filth and blood from her body before changing into a clean set of clothes Kate had given her. Lilith had stared at herself in the bathroom mirror in the bathroom connected to her very own room and she was surprised at how much she had changed in the past few days after the attack. The scars from Kate remained upon her face but when Lilith had ran a hand over her skin, she hadn't expected to find that it was smooth and soft. Still, Lilith had crawled into bed under the covers and struggled to fall asleep with the noises of the pack members outside her window. It was practically late afternoon so it wouldn't take much longer for darkness to fall, but it seemed so much longer to Lilith.

Kate had given her back her things that she had supposably retrieved and Lilith had put her can of pepper spray in the dresser drawer beside her bed. The once fully loaded pistol's barrel was now empty and Lilith had tucked the gun beneath her pillow out of habit, wrapping her hand around the handle and pulling the trigger over and over again, getting used to the soft clicks that sounded from its chamber.

Layla growled at the lingering smell of silver on the gun and Lilith's Throat burned at the scent but she managed to block the wolf out easily as she buried her head deep into her pillow and shut her eyes tightly. But as soon as darkness closed itself around her, the images of flashing fangs and the sound of echoing screams would greet her and she would jerk awake, eyes wide and chest heaving for breath. Lilith couldn't sleep although fatigue weighed her down. Couldn't close her eyes in fear the images would come back but they never did so she curled up into a ball beneath her sheets, waiting for darkness to come.

As Lilith dwelled on what tomorrow would bring, she felt her eyes droop and her muscles relax. Just before the teenage girl drifted into dreams she swore she could almost smell the greasy scent of bacon and eggs, hear her father's voice echoing through the halls of the hunters camp, and she snuggled deeper into the covers, wishing that Peter's footsteps would approach her and than she'd feel his arms wrap around her in an embrace only a father would give to a daughter. Home. Yet, it didn't come, leaving Lilith as cold and as broken as ever and she felt a single tear roll down her cheek onto the sheets before she wiped it away with a single hand. And when the tears began, the young former hunter couldn't help but wonder if getting bit by Kate was bad or good. Was this new life Kate had given her a gift or a curse?

Only time would tell. Only time would reveal its answer to her in this new life but Lilith was patient. She would wait for it. And Wait for it, she did.
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Hi guys! This has been the final chapter of Cursed I'm afraid but there will be a sequel to this book coming. I do hope you guys check it out when it's here and thank you all so much for reading my book, it means so much to me. No words can describe how proud I am of myself for finishing this entire book because I never thought I'd actually get it done. To be honest I actually started this book two years ago before I ever joined Wattpad but now that it is finished, I'm so relieved and happy. So thank you guys all so much for reading again and I hope you guys be sure to share this book with your friends because I really think this book deserves more love and readers. Anyway, I love you all and bless you all with my undying love!
Xoxo Once again,
Your amazing author,
Mrs. Alexis Peters

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