Chapter 4 What do you want from me?

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When Lilith awoke it was like opening her eyes to a whole new world.
At first, her vision was blurry but when it came back to focus she could see she was in a room. The room was completely empty besides a wooden desk, a bear skin rug lying on the floor, and a bared window inside. She was lying on an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar room and she had no idea where she was. She tried to get out of bed only to realize she could only sit up due to the restraints on her wrists. She tried to wriggle out of them, take em off somehow, but it was no use.

Dad . . . She thought wondering where in the world her father was. She remembered her birthday and Brian and Tate and . . . Oh god. The attack. She could practically feel the pain she had endured at the werewolf's claws and the feel of its fangs sinking into her neck, piercing her skin . . . She gasped and pulled at her restraints, rattling the medal bed frame, struggling to get out. To escape somehow-

The sound of footsteps made her freeze and look up to see a figure open the door in the corner of the room. A woman entered the room, silver hair coming down her back in curls and full lips pressed together tightly as she tipped her head to the side to stare at Lilith. She wore a fancy embodied dress and matching high heels. Lilithwouldn't have been able to recognize the strange woman if it hadn't been for the woman's enchanting golden eyes that scorched right through her. The werewolf that attacked me's eyes.

"Greetings, young one," the woman said. When she spoke there was much authority in her voice and it sounded as if each word she said was being carried by the wind. "I am Kate, current alpha of Moon pack."

Lilith felt nauseous all of a sudden. Wait! If She had been attacked by a werewolf last night and she had survived than that meant . . .

"Oh no, no . . . No," she muttered wanting to run her hand through her hair but was unable to because of her restraints. She shut her eyes wanting to wake up from this nightmare. This wasn't happening. This couldn't be happening! Could it?

If she had survived the attack last night than that could only mean one thing; either she were super lucky to be okay or she was only alive right now because. Because she was a . . . a werewolf.

"You must be in shock, dear," Kate's voice pulled her back to reality. Lilith stared at the woman, mouth gone dry and lower lip trembling slightly. Her mouth hung open and she desperately wanted to scream at the top of her lungs but no sound came out. She felt a hand move her hair back from her face and thin lips against her ear. "Don't worry, you'll get used to it eventually, won't you, dear?"

With that, Kate exited the room leaving Isabelle tied to the bed scared out of her mind. What's Kate going to do to me? She wondered while worrying her lip between her teeth. Torture me? Let me go? . . . Torture me? She felt nerves rack her body and she twisted her wrists, pulling desperately at the restraints but they still, refused to budge. Crap.

That's when Kate reentered the room and Lilith stopped struggling in fear of being punished for trying to remove her restraints. The Alpha studied her from her head all the way down to her black leather boots and the corners of her mouth twitched in a grimace. "What's your name?"

Lilith stared at her, dumbfounded. What? First she attacks me, than she starts restraining me . . . Like I'm an Animal, AND Now She Wants To Know My NAME?!

Kate moved forward and Isabelle immediately tensed as the woman reached out a hand to take off the restraint on Lilith's left wrist and than her right. Once both her hands were free, Lilith rubbed her wrists that had become sore from her trying to get out of her restraints and swung her legs out of the bed to rest them on the floor.

"You were a hunter?" Kate asked and Lilith instinctively reached a hand to the crook of her neck to feel the skin she remembered where Kate's wolf had penetrated it. There were teeth indentions in her skin, she discovered and when she ran a hand across her face, claw marks too. All proof of the injuries she had gotten from the attack.

"You sure like to ask a lot of questions, huh?!" Lilith snapped. The words flew from her mouth before she could take them back and she instantly wished she could wake up from this nightmare cause nightmares always end eventually, right? "Well why don't you let me ask a question now, yeah? How about this; What do you want from me?!"

Kate bit her lip so hard Isabelle though the Alpha werewolf was considering eating her and she cowered away in horror. But than the woman sighed and narrowed her eyes at the young huntress.

"You're a tough kid, aren't ya?" The woman snipped and stared into the distance as if thinking really hard about something. She was quiet for a moment before her eyes lingered back to Isabelle and she smoothed her dress as if nothing was wrong. "I wanna make a proposition. How about you join Moon pack and forget about your pathetic life hunting to-what?-save lives?" Her eyes blazed like little flames and her lip curled to expose her fangs. "Or," she continued taking a threatening step towards Lilith, causing the teenage girl to step back in shock. "You can go back to your miserable life knowing you will Never be a hunter Ever, cause you're dead! You're screwed and there's Nothing you can do about it!"

Lilith stared down at the floor considering Kate's words. I am dead . . . She felt sadness wash over her from head to toe. If her father and Tate and Brian had realized she had snuck into the forest alone and they tried to look for her but couldn't find her, than they would most likely come to the conclusion that she had been dragged off by a werewolf. That she was . . . Gone.

Like my mother.

Like mother like daughter.


"I'll never be a hunter, again?" She asked aloud more to herself than to Kate. EVER?

She collapsed to her knees and curled up on the floor, shutting her eyes as she pulled her knees to her chest and pressed her cheek to the cool stone floor. No, it's all gone. At that moment, as she felt herself break, Lilith knew, her life, as far as she knew . . . Was gone.

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Hello my lovelies! I updated, Yay! 😊 sorry if the chapter was too short, I sorta ran out of ideas.
Anyway, has anyone watched the season 7 premiere of The Walking Dead? Gosh, I'm not gonna spoil anything for any of you guys if you haven't watched it yet but let me just say I really hate Negan.
Well, please comment and vote. Be sure to follow me if you please and I'll catch you guys in the next update, k?
Love y'all

-Alexis Peters

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