Chapter 7 Symptoms

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If it's a cure you're looking for, you probably won't find one because nobody knows if there even is one...Kate's words echoed in Lilith's head when she awoke in the forest the next morning and prepared to leave for the library. She'd gone into a different part of the woods and fallen asleep only to have her dreams filled with flashing images of claws and dagger tipped fangs. Lilith was relieved that she hadn't had any dreams about her father or Brian because dreaming of them would only make her sad knowing they weren't there for her now, that she was all alone although her nightmares burned in her memory when she awoke.

She'd drank some water from a brook running through the woods, and washed most of the dirt off her face before catching sight of her reflection in the water; three parallel scratches were marred across her face, stretching from her hairline across her nose and to the corner of her right lip. The scratches would surely scar if they healed and than whenever Lilith looked at her reflection in a mirror, those scars would be a heavy reminder of the mistake she had made. A mistake that she would not make again.

After her seemingly useless preparations, Lilith headed through the woods, crawled her way back beneath a hole dug under the barber wire fence (managing to get dirty once more), and started further away from the outskirts of Chesterfield.

It was a cool day. Lilith's hairless arms were exposed to the chilling air, her messy bun even more messy, single strands of hair being blown back by the cool breeze whipping in her face. Although the young huntress only carried a pistol loaded with silver bullets and a mere can of pepper spray, she felt as if she were balancing a thousand tons upon her shoulders with tremendous effort. She practically had nothing now.

Her flashlight had been left behind and her earpiece had been thrown off into the night. Worst of all, Lilith had lost her way. She had lost her way the moment she broke a simple rule-now she was going to pay the price. That was unless she found a cure.

Determined, Lilith headed faster along the side of a stretch of road leading outside of Chesterfield, hoping to catch sight of an unusual looking building or sign that could point her to or give her a clue whether or not she was on the right path to the library. Unfortunately, there were no intriguing signs anywhere on her way along the road and her hope faltered. Cars passed her, the drivers not even giving the girl on the side of the road a second glance as they drove past. Lilith didn't blame them; With her black cargo pants, and thick black armor, her overall appearance was, absurd. Lucky for her, she didn't care if people started being judgmental towards her-heck-she wouldn't even care if she was wearing a short short skirt with fishnet leggings and nothing up top at that moment. All she cared about now was getting to that so called library.

The breeze blowing in Lilith's direction brought a strange smell to her nostrils and she twitched her nose in confusion. The smell of gasoline and smoke was strong but another smell also caught her attention. It was the lingering scent of something warm and sickeningly sweet. Isabelle felt her mouth water and her stomach growl in hunger. She tried to push her sudden new found senses away and looked out towards a yellow field across the road to distract herself. But the said field wasn't enough to keep her senses from spinning out of control. The sound of voices, laughter, birdsong from miles away, and music on radio stations in cars driving past rang in her ears. Her uncontrollable senses were overwhelming her all at once, that she felt a sudden wave of nausea. Lilith staggered but caught herself before she could fall, biting her lip uneasily.

The smells, sights and sounds, she thought as realization washed over her from head to toe. Oh God! I'm getting symptoms.

When a person endured a bite from a supernatural creature, they didn't change into said specific creature they had gotten the bite from as soon as they got bit. The person would go through the change slowly until the infectious disease from the bite overtook them entirely, turning their mind, their body and their entire self into something else than whom they had been before. A vampire bite for example, resulted in the infectious spread throughout the victim's body until their heart became so effected by the bite that it stopped beating. Later on, the once dead person would wake up and have a dire craving for blood. Sometimes, the victim of a vampire bite would be so drained from blood that they wouldn't be able to survive becoming a vampire and just die later on. As for werewolves, it was quite similar. If A person got bit by a werewolf than they'd probably turn into one. But if a person happened to not get bit by a werewolf, than they were quite lucky to not have to turn into a monster every few weeks.

Lilith had heard that werewolves could be born too if a werewolf mated with another werewolf in wolf form or something like that. There weren't many cases of full blooded werewolves in books and there were some crazy theories that long ago the first male alpha werewolves chose female humans as their mates and turned them into werewolves so they could mate with em and create a pack. Later on, some of the first hunters of the supernatural recorded evidence that werewolves could be born and full blooded werewolves were stronger than bitten changed werewolves. For example, bitten werewolves were more fierce and rabid than full blooded werewolves. Full blooded werewolves were much stronger and less affected by silver and wolfsbane due to their incredibly accurate skills and their power of changing into their wolf form at will.

Alpha werewolves or Luna werewolves, which is another name for a male alpha werewolf's mate, were appointed leaders of their said pack because they were the strongest wolves in the pack and the second strongest werewolf was the beta whom was like a deputy or second in command of the pack. As for the weakest wolf in the pack, that wolf was known as the omega which was the lowest rank in a werewolf pack.

There were no cases or information of any people being bit by an alpha or Luna werewolf but Lilith only hoped that whoever person got bit by an alpha werewolf that they wouldn't suffer at the force of a full moon and the beast within them. If only these symptoms she was beginning to suffer from went away cause if she wasn't suffering from any symptoms, it probably meant that Kate's bite hadn't affected her and she wasn't going to transform into her sworn enemy. Unfortunately, the symptoms remained until Lilith thought her head was gonna explode with her piqued senses.

She didn't know how far she walked until she saw it. A wooden building sat in front of a dirt driveway with a single lamppost sticking out of the ground like a sprouted seed. Hope filled Lilith's chest as she hurried towards the building, imagining her father and Brian pulling her into their embrace. Lilith didn't know how she knew but she knew deep down she had arrived at her destination. The library was taking her one step closer to that cure. One step closer back to her life.
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Hello my lovely friends and followers! Sorry I have not updated in a while. I do hope you guys liked this update and don't forget to click that pretty golden star at the bottom and tell me your thoughts on the book so far.
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