Chapter 10 Two Victims

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PLEASE READ before reading the chapter itself!

A/N-Hey guys. Sorry for not updating sooner but I just wanted to inform you guys that this chapter will be super suspenseful (I hope;) and it will contain some gore so be warned if any of you can't handle that sort of stuff. Well anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and keep your eyes out for the next chapter too so on with the chapter!

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Chapter 10 Two Victims

Lilith couldn't fight it so when the beast consumed her being, she succumbed to its dominance over her. Once the wolf was in control, it took over her mind and the girl's mind was utterly blank in the wolf's possession.

The wolf was huge, not as huge as Kate's wolf, but either way it was massive. It had a beautiful dark brown golden coat that sort of matched Lilith's hair and it's penetrating golden eyes were burning with fire.

It transformed beneath the utterly clear sky and before you knew it, the wolf was standing in the girl's place, raising its snout to sniff the air. A slight breeze ruffled her fur, bringing with it the scent of gasoline and another scent the wolf could not quite distinguish. She lowered her nose to the ground and sniffed deeply, disregarding the torn up pieces of clothing her human self had worn before, and wrinkled her nose at a foul odor coming a few inches away from her. The scent lingered towards her, burning her eyes and making her jaws clench in utter discomfort.

Trying to find the source of the unpleasant smell, the wolf nosed around the undergrowth until her nose bumped into something cool and smooth. She whined, and pawed at the strange object, identifying it as a weakness. The weird L shape of the contraction made by man indicated the wolf's weakness was obviously a gun and the poisoned fumes smelt of said gun. The gun was loaded with silver bullets. Silver killed her kin. Hunters killed her kin. Those hunters would pay for slaying her brothers and sisters, they would perish at her claws, she was sure of it. Except the fact was was that this wolf had no family. No kin. This wolf was alone.

She seized the gun in her jaws and shook her head from side to side, chucking the vile thing across the forest where it hit a tree trunk and fell onto the ground with a thud. The wolf flattened her ears against her head and caught whiff of an almost whimsical scent wafting from beyond the trees. She flicked her ear and began to follow the trail through the woods and across a fence until she reached a stretch of road with cars driving back and forth along it. She curled her muzzle into a snarl as she eyed the strange vehicles passing her near the tree line. The sweet scent continued to waft towards her, making her drool in hunger. Pricking her ears, she paced around in a circle, but as soon as the road was clear, she bounded across it in a few long strides, heading straight towards the intriguing smell.

Soon, she found herself at the perimeter of town. The smells and sights only made the wolf's hunger grow even stronger, as she watched all the people milling around, just waiting to be picked off. She narrowed her golden eyes, seeing a man and a woman heading away from the buildings to a nearby field in the streetlights, trying to protect themselves from the light drizzle of rain which was becoming more forceful.

Shaking out her fur, the wolf trotted down a slope, eyes fixed on the couple straying away, setting down each paw step carefully as to not to alert the prey of her presence. She followed them silently, making sure to stay a suitable distance from them so they wouldn't spot her creeping up on them, and brushed through the long yellow stalks, keeping her body low to the ground.

The couple laughed, murmuring to each other, and the man wrapped an arm around the woman, smiling and nodding.

Their laughter and conversations made sense to the wolf, but she didn't really care of what they spoke of. She was too intent on the hunt to bother to concentrate on anything else. Now she was far closer to the couple, she could study the woman's skinny stomach, the blonde bob on top of her head, and her petite figure. The man had shoulder length brown hair that was tousled and curled at the edges, framing his narrow face, and making him appear more like a teenage rockstar than a fully grown man. The smell of the man's cologne and the woman's obviously genuine aura only made the wolf's stomach growl in protest. Struggling to remain patient, she watched the man turn to the woman and pull her into a passionate kiss, as the woman clutched onto him like he was a life vest and she was on the verge of drowning.

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