Chapter 8 The Witch

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A bell dinged softly when the door to the library was pushed open and Lilith walked inside.

Inside the said library was a bunch of shelves with weird colorful glass jars sitting upon them as well as other ancient like objects. The entire inside of the building was lit by candles that seemed to flicker occasionally, giving off only enough amount of light for a person to see in front of them.

Deja vu overcame Lilith as she distinctly remembered when she had blindly stumbled through the forest with her teammates because Tate had ordered them not to turn on their flashlights. She shuddered at the memory and looked around for any life within this dark building but all there was was a bunch of insects in jars on top shelves and even a dark coiled snake in a glass tank with a bunch of rats in another tank beside it. The snake opened its mouth to reveal dagger tipped fangs and a flickering tongue as it watched Lilith with its menacing little eyes. When Lilith turned her gaze on it, the snake reared back as if was going to strike at her through the glass but than lowered its head as if in submission.

Lilith stared around and caught sight of a collection of shelves in the back of the building. The candlelight illuminated the faint outlines of the spines of books sitting upon the shelves and excitement overcame Lilith. A new hope blossomed in her chest as she practically raced over to the shelves and picked up one of the books with tears of joy. The cover read "Modern witchery Spells for newbies." Lilith put the book back and searched around for a different book that would possibly point her in the direction of a cure for Werewolf bites. She found a book on "Curses of the Supernatural," and she frantically flipped through the yellowed pages, landing upon the table of contents. She scanned the page and saw a chapter written for "cures for bites of the supernatural," and she went to that chapter and tried hard to read it despite the worn pages and the small amount of light in the building. A title of the page was called werewolf bites and she searched the section but all it explained was the symptoms of a werewolf bite and the transformation the victim of the bite would go through on the full moon. Finally Lilith found something;

"Many people cursed with a werewolf bite have tried to find a way out of turning upon a full moon but there is only one cure for such a curse. Said cure still exists within the supernatural world and if taken by a victim of a werewolf bite will destroy the wolf spirit within the person and prevent that person from transforming during a full moon entirely. Such a powerful cure can be found-"

Lilith faltered and looked at the page like it was a statue. She gaped at the book, trying to make sense of what she was seeing. The next page of the book had been torn out as if someone had greedily ripped the page out on purpose and taken it away. Lilith's hope of finding a cure was gone. That page could be anywhere and be with anyone. A werewolf must've taken the page and ripped it to pieces if it meant preventing an end to their species. For all Lilith knew, the page could be all the way in Japan and she couldn't possibly go all the way to a place like Japan just to retrieve a possibly nonexistent page with a cure for werewolf bites. That would be absolutely crazy.

That page had been her last hope at getting her life back but now.... Now she was right back where she had left off. Scarred and cursed to become the one thing hunters hated most.

No, no, no, NO! Lilith felt herself break like she was made of glass and had fallen to shatter into a million shards across the ground. She all but clutched the damn book in her hands and before she knew what she was doing, tore out page upon page of the book before tearing the spine of the book in half with a newfound strength she didn't know she'd possessed. Lilith threw the remnants of the book to the floor with a thud and all but glared at the sad pile she'd created from her rage.

As if on cue, the sound of footsteps sounded towards her and Isabelle tore her gaze away to see the newcomer. Her heart all but stopped beating when she saw whom it was. Before her stood a beautiful young woman with wavy brunette hair and soft skin. Her eyes were a light shade of blue that made tears erupt to the surface and fall like diamonds from Lilith's eyes. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. She couldn't come to comprehend why this woman was standing in front of her now. The same exact woman whom had been dead for eight years.

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