Chapter 11 A pack

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"It seems as if you might just wanna consider my offer once more, Dear," An oddly familiar voice made Lilith stir and her eyes flicker open in confusion.

Dear. She now knew who that voice belonged to the moment the alpha werewolf spoke. Kate.

Lilith groaned and her eyes widened in horror as she gazed down at her bare body. As naked as the day she was first born and covered in dry dirt and blood. Shocked, she brought her knees up to her chest in an attempt to cover herself from the cold and Kate's watchful golden eyes. The air was still but the sun broke through the clouds, glittering through the treetops and evaporating some of the rainwater still covering the ground from last night's storm. It dawned on her what had become of her that night and a chill of dread crawled down her spine. She had turned. Really turned and the memory of what the beast had done left her hollow and ice cold before she tasted something foul and spit it out instinctively on the ground. It was red. Bright red against the damp grass and Lilith felt revolted.

Was it her own blood or the blood of the people her beast had slaughtered?

Whichever blood it belonged to, Lilith didn't care. All she cared about was removing every single bit of meat she had consumed, hunching over as she vomited onto the ground immensely until her stomach felt empty inside and she was dry heaving.

Lilith could feel Kate's eyes boring into her very soul as she leant back against a tree trunk and inhaled deeply through her nostrils. She could still hear the woman's screams. Still see all the blood and guts. Still taste it. And the thought that her wolf had eaten someone and enjoyed it shook her to the core.

"What are you doing here?" She rasped, feeling completely drained of all energy whatsoever. She was even too exhausted and in too much shock to even act rude towards the beautiful silver haired woman in front of her or be modest any longer.

Kate reached into the sack strapped over her shoulder and pulled out a huge wad of cloth. When she held it out to Lilith, the teenage girl realized it was a stack of clothing and she tentatively snatched it out of Kate's grasp and pressed it against her chest.

"Why?" She whispered, looking up at Kate with pleading eyes. "Why me?"

Kate gave Lilith such a deep look of concern it was almost as if it was the look a mother would only show towards a daughter. Taken aback, Lilith gave her a strange look but Kate's expression changed in an instant. Her golden eyes flared in sudden hope and anticipation but Lilith wasn't satisfied at Kate's sudden change in mood.

"Get dressed and we'll talk," Kate responded, repositioning the sack hanging from her hip.

The alpha werewolf's loose denim jeans and plain flowing lacy white shirt seemed too elegant for Isabelle's taste and when she looked at the clothes Kate had seemed to specifically choose for her, she was surprised. A plain v neck gray shirt and torn jeans was just right enough for Lilith's taste and when she forced the clothes on, they fit more loosely than she liked and it felt strange without any undergarments to put on, but she couldn't complain.

"Sorry if the clothes don't fit just right," Kate said as soon as Isabelle turned to her, fully dressed. "I borrowed them from my beta, Monte after I tracked your scent here and than realized you had transformed early."

Lilith rubbed her bare arms but didn't respond. Tiny rocks dug into her shoeless feet but the pain didn't dull any of the emptiness she felt in her very heart. Kate grimaced slightly and beckoned for Lilith to follow her. Lilith hesitated before she silently followed after Kate, down a slope and across a road. The same road the wolf had crossed and into the field where it had claimed its meal. Lilith forced herself not to look anywhere at the yellowing field, afraid of what she might see and prayed that Kate wasn't taking her there. Luckily, Kate led Lilith past the field and along the road. She suddenly realized Kate was taking her to MoonPacks pack house and a knot of dread twisted in her stomach. Last time she'd been there Kate had restrained her but now it seemed as if she wanted to help her. This thought made her shake her head in disbelief.

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