Part 10

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I woke up with a start. 5:30. I groaned and shoved my face deeper into my pillow. After having a tiny battle in my mind, I shot up. My black and red hair covering my face like a multi-colored curtain. I brushed my bangs to the side as I got up and picked and plucked through my wardrobe. I decided on a black and white checkered cardigan, a white shirt, and red shorts with black Converse. I applied my makeup and headed down to the kitchen. I marveled in the silence, knowing that this is the only quiet I'd get all day. I started making some tea and pancakes for the members. Thumps echoed through the house as J-Hope shuffled into the kitchen.

"Good morning, Hopey!" I smiled as he groaned and slammed his head against the white granite counter. I just rolled my eyes and continued to flip the browning pancakes. By the time the food was all done, everyone was awake and anxious to eat. I sat down at the table with the pancakes as they were quickly devoured.

"So what's the plan for today?" I asked between sips of my tea.

"Just working at the studio. Yoongi is planning on composing. We all know that means ending up hanging out with us and dancing in the practice room." Jimin said simply once he swallowed a bite of a pancake. I nodded. Once we were all done, I quickly washed dishes, grabbed a bunch of water bottles and we left.

-time skip-

The hardwood of the practice room was strangely comfortable as the boys started practicing. They worked on new choreography and mainly just goofed around. The other members of staff around me either recording everything or had their head in the palm of their hands. I just leaned back on the glass mirror and smiled. Eventually they got done what was needed to be done so they just started randomly dancing. Jungkook came up to me and grabbed my hand as the Dope intro sounded across the practice space. I got into position with the rest of them and started dancing perfectly to the rhythm without missing a beat. Once the song ended they literally tackled me.

"I didn't know you go dance so well!" Jin said with a smirk on his face as Namjoon smacked the back of his head.

"I danced and sang a lot when I was working for SM. I know I was just a makeup artist but I still did it. The members nodded with their mouths open.

"Can you rap?" Namjoon said eagerly.

"What kind of human being would I be if I couldn't?"

And at that exact moment, a thought raced consistently though all of the member's heads. "She's perfect....









Perfect for Rap Mon.

I'm The Lucky One (D.O Kyungsoo)Where stories live. Discover now