Part 14....?

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I walked down the familiar hallway of Big Hit Entertainment. It was a break and I needed to get out of that sweaty practice room. I strode confidently past the office cubicles with people working like crazy. I could blame them. Summer was coming soon, it was like the perfect time to realise new songs, albums, hell even commercials.

I gazed over the sea of workers only too be slightly disappointed. Not in them. In myself. I left my old, happy, life because of some crazed fan that threatened me. She probably wouldn't have done anything any ways, it's not like she had any influential power against me. I shouldn't have left a company that had been so loyal to me. I was happy here, but there still was a gapping hole in my heart. I mentally slapped myself and told myself to move on as I took another step.

"What a bother my thoughts are today, geez." I grumbled to myself as I headed towards the main doors, only to see it pouring rain. I groaned audibly as a worker nearby chuckled. I looked over to see a similar face.


"So you remember my face? I'd figure that you'd forget what I looked like by now." He stated, setting down the magazine previously in his hand. He stood up and walked towards me.

"I'm not THAT forgetful, baozi. It's only been a few months since I left. Now, what are you doing?" I asked quizzically as a guilty look past through his eyes. He looked down at his shoes as mumbled something incoherently.

"Kyungsoo, speak up."

"Please....just come back." He finally spit out. My mouth hung wide open and my eyes stung from being stretched open so far.

"Excuse me?" I finally worded.

"I want you to come back." A pleading expression was tattooed onto the face I fell in love with.

"Kyungsoo, I'm flattered b-" "Marina! There you are! We need you in the practice room, break is over!" Jungkook came sprinting at me, grabbing my arm and pulling me away.

"I'm sorry, Kyungsoo. I've got to go. I'll talk to you later!" I could hardly look at him because he had such a heartbroken look on his face. I waved shyly back at him but he was too far away. I was forcefully shoved into the room, and practice started once more. I sighed as I sat crisscrossed with my head propped up on my arm.

-time skip-

We were back at the dorms and I went straight to my room leaving the members of BTS surprised.

"Okay what did you do." Rap Mon said with his arms crossed.

"Why do you automatically think it was something we did?" Jin started defensively.

"I think it might've been my fault." Jungkook said ably as the other bore their eyes into him, wanting an explanation. "When I found Marina, she was in the lobby talking to DO from EXO. Whatever they were talking about seemed pretty serious, they both didn't look like they were joking around."

"What do you think they were talking about?" Jimin asked curiously.

"I don't know but Marina was definitely upset about it." JHope said finally, the others nodded.

"Let's just leave it at that. Let's not pry." Rap Mon stated as the rest agreed. "I'm gonna check on her."

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