Chapter 3

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Aries P.O.V

After being chased by Cancer and being hit like nine times, I finally backed away. Damn... that Cancer girl sure can get angry! She's strong to, I mean she looked so... weak! I was still slightly shocked when Libra came up to me and slapped me. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" I yelled, she glared, "For being mean to Cancer!" she retorted. I glared, "You laughed with me!" I told her, she laughed. "Not with, more like at you! Have you ever heard of astrology? If you didn't notice it said, 'when you make fun of their family or friends, get ready to get hurt.'" she rehearsed. She walked away, leaving Sagittarius in her place. "Man... Cancer is... scary..." he sighed, "Will you ever learn?" he asked, this time I sighed remembering years back, closing my eyes.


Sagittarius and I were playing in the park when we saw a a girl. She had dark brown hair and chocolate eyes. She was reading a book, so Sagittarius and I decided to prank her. Sag, being the taller one ripped the book from her hand and started to dangle it in front of her head. She tried to take it back but Sag only lifted it higher, making her pout. It kind of looked, cute... I shook that thought away when Sagittarius gave her the book. She quickly sent us a glare as we left her alone. "What was that for?" I asked him, "She said she'll kick me in the balls!" he protested, I laughed. "Let's do it again!" I snickered pointing at her, he frowned. "Nope!" he quickly said covering his crotch, I chuckled walking away. I started towards the girl when I realized she was playing with someone.

"Devin! Wait up!" she cried as she ran towards a guy with dark brown hair. "Sorry, lil' sis! But this is the only place you can't get to!" he teased, I walked over my hands behind my head. "Dang... both of you are weird... I mean who'd want to be friends with this weirdo?" I pointed at the girl, "People like you-" I pointed at the guy, "are crazy." I finished. The guy seemed in a state of shock, but the girl... well her long bangs covered her eyes as her fists tightened. "You can tease me, you can call me weird. I may look sensitive but...-" she looked at me, "NEVER EVER CALL A LOVED ONE OF MINE CRAZY!" she ran towards me throwing punches and kicks. She started to bruise me as I tried to block. Now she appeared behind me grabbing my hair throwing me left and right, "NEVER MESS WITH MY FRIENDS, NEVER MAKE A CANCER MAD!!" she yelled as she let go of me, I glared to see Sagittarius laughing his head off. 

End of Flashback

I opened my eyes and shook my head shaking off the memory. When I opened my eyes the first thing I saw was a girl with dark brown hair and chocolate eyes. She looked a lot like... THE GIRL WHO BEAT ME UP! I blinked realizing it was Cancer. "Oh... hey...?" I looked at her rubbing my head, "I-I just w-wanted to say s-s-sorry..." she whispered, I could see guilt in her eyes. "Er... thanks..." I murmured, I still couldn't believe she looked like the girl. She gave me a small smile, "You look familiar..." she told me. I cocked my head, worry glazed in my eyes, "W-We only m-met t-today!" I quickly said. She scoffed giving me a suspicious gaze, "Now that I think about it... it was in my old town!" she exclaimed. I got up gulping, "Sorry..." she already knew... it was how she sounded... it was so... sure! She glared at me knowingly, then her gaze softened, "It's alright..." she reassured, she patted my head. "I forgive you." she said giving me a soft smile.

Cancer P.O.V

"I forgive you." I told him, he smirked. I walked to astronomy class, I don't know why we have this class but I could sense that this was going to be a hard topic.

Aries and I entered with me going first and Aries going right behind me. We just barely made it because the teacher walked in a few moments later.

"Okay-" she was interrupted by a fit of laughter, "Mr. Ram!" she pointed to Aries. He instantly stopped, I could see the confusion in his face. "Okay, I am Lady Ophiuchus. This is the astronomy class." we all nodded at once, "Now, as you know-" she was once again interrupted by Aries. "Yeah, yeah! This school is famous for the astronomy, blah blah blah.." he was smacked with a ruler giving out a slight scream of agony. "I do not tolerate rudeness. The next time you interrupt me or joke around in this class you will be smacked twice on your knuckles, alright Mr. Ram?" she yelled, Aries gulped nodding grabbing his knuckles.

"Today, we'll be learning about the 4th sign, Cancer." she stated, I shook my head, why me?! "Now, Ms. Crab, you are in fact a Cancer?" she asked, I quickly nodded standing up. She smiled, "You must pay special attention to this lesson." she told me, I nodded. "Cancer is the sign of the Crab. It is a water sign," I quickly started to write notes even though I already knew this. This actually went on for an hour and a half.

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