Chapter 15

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Libra POV

I took in a deep breath, just over a month ago we started school and Cancer keeps telling us that people are starting to think that it was unfair to just have 12 students in a huge high school which could house a lot of students. A stereotypical Virgo would be like 'Oh! Since the first floor has four hallways, two of which are just dorms and since each of those hallways consist of 24 dorms each that would be forty-eight students! But on the second and third floor, the rooms we live on are wider and more luxurious there are only six bedrooms on those floors. Everything else is the classrooms, cafeteria, library (which is huge like the one in Beauty and the Beast), teacher work room, clubs (or the element clubs), principles office, nurse, gym, stadium, stage.... is that everything? But I am not a Virgo, and our Virgo here is... special.... but that started when we started to hang around Cancer and Gemini... Those two.... are not crazy or weird just.... out there(?).

"All students, please find your way to the stage-room." A voice rang out, everyone groaned, IT'S A SATURDAY! 

I sulkily changed and brushed my extremely long hair. Lucky Gemini doesn't have her whole entire family making sure you have long hair to look 'pretty'! I thought scowling. Lucky girl...

After I was done I opened my door and walked to the stage-room. "Wait up Libra!" someone hissed quietly, "Hi Taurus!" I said turning around. Her face was slightly red, probably from running to me. "Now, we can go!" She stated with a smile, I shook my head while chuckling to myself.

As we entered the stage room we were hit by a gloomy aura from the teachers and principle, but the thing that really shocked us was the fact around two-hundred other students were sitting and chatting about. "What the actual ****?" We heard Scorpio mutter behind us. All of a sudden, gloomy and happy aura's mixed with a dark, brooding, murderous aura. Everything quieted down down when they felt it too. "Why are you ******* ****ing here for ****s sake?" everyone looked to the person who said it.


Told ya she's crazy.

"Who are you?" a random girl with a voice to squeaky and high asked with a snotty voice. Cancer  let out an animalistic growl, "We are the ones choosing who is going to choose who is entering this school." Cancer stated letting her normal british-ish accent now in there. "What?!" Every other student (including us) shrieked (the emos just kept a blank face). "Yep, there will be a series of tests chosen by our originals. Only about a ninth or none of you guys are going to pass." Miss Ophiuchus stated stepping onto the stage. We kept a cool facade after that as the teachers stated what was going to happen.

"You kids are going to have a week to train and study for these tests. The Originals," They already dubbed us that... "find these stuff easy for they are all prodigies, but to most of you, it would be like living in hell."

"Day 1 would be the only easy stage, that is when you are introduced to these students who would temporarily be your teachers."

"Day 2 would be them cramming as much knowledge and such into your brain. They would just skim the topic and go into the other extremely quickly."

"Day 3 would be them going into much more detail for the topics."

"Day 4 is training with who ever wants to be coaches. These coaches are probably the most fit and would make you do grueling exercises."

"Day 5 is going to be where they work on your stances for endurance and they stretch your flexibility to the extreme."

"Day 6 is going to be where you do extreme Olympic sports until you perfect it."

"Day 7 is review day, you are allowed to collaborate with others but all electronics will be banned. If you are caught with an electronic you will instantly lose this."

"After that is the exams."

I smirked, this is going to be fun. Like extremely fun. More fun than the pranks. We'd be torturers.

"Do not cheat." was the warning we read aloud to the students.

Capricorn POV

All the students below, they were probably ****ting there pants. I looked to Cancer, she had this crazed look... it kinda look... cute...

Wha- stop thinking that!

She turned her head and our eyes met, we looked at each other emotionlessly. We were ordered to be like robots. EMOTIONLESS.

"Alright there are seven subjects, not including study room. Two of your teachers will team up and three will do the same. Now, the Originals will choose the subject they want to teach."

Aries. "P.E"

Taurus. "Chemistry/Science."

Gemini. "P.E"

Cancer. "Health."

Leo. "Environmental."

Virgo. "Health."

Libra. "English."

Scorpio. "Social Studies."

Sagittarius. "P.E"

Me. "Math."

Aquarius. "Astronomy"

Pisces. "Art."


I mean, uhm- just first sentence.

We got off stage and went to the classrooms/gyms we were going to teach in.

Day 1

English and Social Studies was first and the Math classroom was the only one that monitored the cameras so everyone but Libra and Scorpio came in. But then we realized some might skip 'cause they are cocky and started to patrol the halls.

When it was my turn I saw that Libra was all smiley, right.... huh.... introduction day. This was boring. But it was funny seeing some high-schoolers crammed together. I went to Scorpio's and doubled-over laughing. Scorpio was keeping a keen eye on the talking students while he was on his phone and each time he saw a phone other than his, he would fold a paperclip so that one side was like a needle and throw it harshly at the students fingers making them drop their phone and letting him collect it.

Went back to my classroom, today each subject was thirty minutes and the students had to go from class to class meeting there teachers. When it was my turn I had glared at each student that made a little noise and I threw a vase at some who made a lot of noise. Yes, I have a ton of vases...

All in all, fun.

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