Just for fun...

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I know this is annoying, but I just wanted to tell you the personalities I am trying to get through the story.

Aries: Energetic, loud

Taurus: Soft-spoken (unless you mess with friends) sensitive with friends

Gemini: Tom-boyish, competitive

Cancer: Pessimistic but hides that with quick and sudden mood swings, crazy(?), nerdy

Leo: Flirty (for first few chapters) but just really wants people to notice him so he can make parents proud, optimist

Virgo: Nerdy, quiet, observant, loves phone (since it was a gift from her late grandmother [but you don't know that yet- {oh.... now you do}])

Libra: Understands Leo problems and secretly wants to help him so she is quite "flirty" with him, wants everyone to be happy, straight forward

Scorpio: actually secretive until he trusts you and after that really talkative, trust issues(?)

Sagittarius: Competitive, really likes being center of attention so is really loud, loyal

Aquarius: Sarcastic, down-to-earth, geeky-ish

Pisces: Optimist, creative, hopeless romantic

That is how I see their personalities and a little bit of a backstory for a few *cough* Leo and Virgo *cough*.

Now to their intros!!! They'll say their name, likes, dislikes, hobbies, and dream(s).

Aries: YOOOO! Wassup?! My name is Aries Ram, I like my friends, family, and I like having fun! (Everyone but the all so knowing girls and Sagittarius glare at him [since he pranked all of them {not really}]) I dislike bitter and and or sour foods, losing to Sag (Sagittarius glares) and being underestimated. My hobbies are to prank people and beating Sag up, (another glare). My dream is to surpass my brother in business someday. (Says all of this with a smile)

Taurus: Hi! My name is Taurus Bull and uhm.... uh... hi! Did I already say hi before that? ... A-Anyways I like my friends, family, ramen, chips... especially doritoes and other foods. I dislike people who are not loyal, liars, people who are late... and m-my past... Anyways! My hobbies are cooking and taste testing. My dream is to win Master Chef... (Says all of this with a nervous look)

Gemini: Hi! My name's Gemini Twin! I like the color blue and anime! I hate losers, losing and sore-losers! My hobbies are beating up the guys, and trying out new hair dyes! Yes, I like my hair. My dream for the future? Oh well... to be an extremely famous movie star! (Says all this with a smile and a little sparkle in her eyes.)

Cancer: My name is Cancer Crab, I have many likes and dislikes that I can't even name them all. My hobbies.... *shy look* well I do not want to say... and my dreams for the future? It is not a dream... but an ambition. So I will not tell you.


Cancer continuation: My ambition is to take down a certain business *everyone shivers knowing she had not gotten over.... "that".* And to be a renown doctor because I found the cure to a few or maybe two diseases!

Leo: Wassup?! My name is Leo Lion! I like a lot of things, same with my dislikes. I usually annoy my friends and others. That is my hobby. And my dream.... to make my family proud! (Cue the awes)

Virgo: Hi, my name is Virgo Maiden, I like math (gasps heard everywhere) and science (quieter gasps) I dislike getting an A-. My hobby is studying the human anatomy with Cancer, but we do not usually do that since we already memorized it. My dream is like Cancers, be a renown doctor and find the cure for one or maybe more 'incurable' diseases.

Libra: Libra Scale is here in the house, I mean collegy-dorm-thingy-that-we-already-have-even-though-we-are-not-in-college-but-in-highschool. I like friends of mwa, and I hate enemies of mwah. My hobbies are being the peacemaker *coughs and really quickly says under her breath* tryingtohelpLeowithhisdreambecauseIamhisfriendand



Libra continuation: My dream is to be famous.

Scorpio: Hi, my name is Scorpio Scorpion. I like to pretend to be moody (WAIT PRETEND?!) and dislike it when I am noticed... like really noticed in front of a huge crowd. My hobby is blending in. And my dream is to be a spy... though I doubt that'll ever happen. (everyone starts saying other whys and Scorpio growls.)

Sagittarius: My name Sagittarius Archer, I like beating Gem and Ari and um.... Leo! (was trying to figure out the one syllable way of saying Leo.) I dislike being called Sag. My hobbies are beating Gem, Ari, and Leo. My dream is... well... until now.... I've never really thought about it!

Capricorn: Hn... (I am Capricorn Goat) Tch. (I like my studies and...



Capricorn continuation: HN...tch (I dislike my... rivals...) Tch.... (My hobbies are... private..) Tch...hn (I wanna be happy.)

Everyone understood somehow since everyone was like... "Awww.... Capricorns crush kiss him! Make 'em happy!"

Aquarius: *sings/raps/says in a horrible voice the first verses of Alexander Hamilton* ALEXANDER HAMILTON! MY NAME IS ALEXANDER HAMILTON! AND THERE'S A MILLION THINGS I HAVEN'T DONE! BUT JUST YOU WAIT, JUST YOU WAIT! *QUE THE HORRIBLE HIGH PITCHED 'VOCALS'* WHEN HE WAS TEN, HIS FATHER SPLIT, FUL OF IT, DEBT-RIDDEN. TWO YEARS LATER SEE ALEX AND HIS MOTHER BED-RIDDEN, HALF-DEAD SITTING IN THEIR OWN SICK, THE SCENT THICK! *WHISPERS* Alex got better but his mother went quick. *SHOUTS* MOVED IN WITH A COUSIN, THE COUSIN COMMITTED SUICIDE- *keeps singing/rapping every Hamilton song. Moves onto Heathers..... everyone is face palming since it took him three/four/five/six hours to finish*

Aquarius translation: My name is Aquarius Water Bearer. I like video games and Hamilton and Heathers. I hate everyone who hates those things and beats me at video games.  My hobbies are playing video games and listening and singing Hamilton and Heathers songs. My dream is to become amazing.

Pisces: Hi, my name is Pisces Fish! I like artistic stuff and I dislike people calling fish... me. My hobbies are painting, like I seriously love art... but I might not be good at it.... but I am creative! My dream is... well to be happy!

LIKE THIS?! Sorry it took so... long. But it didn't save and well... yah... so get ready for the actual next chapter!

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