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Bright screen, nervous fingers

Sit over the surface, still linger

Short breaths, wrinkled brow

What can I say to him now?

Wet eyes, gasping breaths

Her tears have never felt so real

Fingers touch, type the word

No has never been so hard to make heard

Tear stained cheeks, back against the wall

Does anyone care about me at all?

Forced to leave, to say goodbye

Was all they tried for just a fleeting lullaby?

A song of joy, though not quite

Nothing can help them through this fight

Where is God, He's not in her sight

Walks away, "I'm okay"

Pushes away, finds somewhere safe

Back against the corner, sinks down to the floor

And lets her heart poor out of the door that is her soul

Was I a fool, to believe in something

In love, or someone above

No one can help me now, my light is gone, flew away as a dove

I am all alone, though watched from above

All because I said No

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