(15) My Dear Oliver...

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Running through the crisp night air made me feel calm. Hope loved the wind cutting through my face and rattling my hood. A smile spread across her face.

My Dear Oliver,

Thank you for all of the adventures. Thank you for tucking me every night and loving me with every ounce.

However, I'm not the one. I don't feel much anymore. I don't feel the same. It isn't meant to be. I know that. You'll find someone for you. Someone better than me. But I'm young, and you're still young too.

I'm leaving you this note and never returning to Star City. I'm sorry for all the trouble I brought because of this.
                     Best luck to you,
                                          Hope <3

She smiled as the wind cut across her face. Rattling against the hoodie to her jacket. It was almost like when she first came looking for Oliver Queen. Except when she came she wanted action, to fight crimes. Now, she wanted peace and quiet. She wanted a normal life...if that was possible at this point. She looked back at that city for the last time before getting on the train; forever leaving Star City.

Oliver shortly returned to his apartment. "Hope, I'm home, how are you feeling?" He asked with a huge smile spread across his face. He frowned when there was no answer, "Hope?"
He searched the house for her before his eyes laid upon the hand written note. He couldn't get to the end without tears pouring down. He ran out, ran to go find her, to get a real goodbye, but he didn't make it in time. His love was forever gone. He made his way to the cave and when the elevator opened Felicity looked at him with terror.
"Oliver..." she whispered.
He made his way over to the computer.
A train leaving Star City crashed and burned leaving very few survivors
Oliver read the headline over and over before watching the news report.
"A train leaving Star City this afternoon was crashed by an unknown force and burned to the ground leaving over thirty people dead. There were two survivors who are currently in the hospital but here are a few names of those who were killed..." The women went through a list of names before one popped out to the crime fighter, "...Hope Frost..."
Oliver sank against the wall for not even a second. "No, she couldn't have died, c'mon, we're going over."
The man in green rushed to the scene, it was all still intact. He looked for her body.
"Where is she?" He yelled his voice deep with anger. "God dammit where is she?" He grabbed an emergency responded, but that guy had no clue. She was gone in the wind...

                     Never to be seen again?

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