(10)Relationships Are For The Weak

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I didn't find anything enthusiastic anymore. I hadn't actually done anything at all. I felt tired. Emotionally and physically. I hadn't felt that way since middle school.

Someone who knew me-which was only myself I believed- would know when something was wrong with my life. They would be able to see it in my room; my room was a disaster. The rest of my house was relatively neat. That was only because I stayed in my room unless I wanted something to eat (I was only having one to two meals a day) or if I had to use the bathroom. I needed to clean my room, take out the garbage, take a shower, do my laundry, and pay my rent.
It had even almost a month since I walked out on Team Arrow.

Was that seriously what they were calling themselves? Team Arrow?

I pretty much stayed in pajamas all day. Once in a while I was motivated to change my pajamas.

I knew that wasn't like me. I as a hygienic person.

I sighed picking up my phone. It was three in the afternoon. That day there were no calls from the team, no knocking at the door...nothing.

I didn't want them here, but the silence of myself was bizarre. Usually I would entertain myself in my silence. I sighed again shutting my phone off and decided on a shower.

After the shower, I hear the police scanner go off on the phone.
"Robbery at 32 and 5th requesting immediate back up. They have hostages."

That got me to my feet.

Okay, I'll go. But I don't have my suit....and I'm not going back to the hide out.

Okay, I'll go like this. I decided.

I got to the scene and the robber swung at me when I entered. I easily took him down. Cops came out from hidden spaces.

"You're welcome." I smirked and quickly skipped out.
"Freeze!" I heard Captain Lance yell.

I stopped in my tracks. "Excuse me?" I snapped.

"You're under arrest for violating police encounters." Lance snarled as he cuffs me.

"Excuse me! I just helped you!"

"You have the right to remain silent. If you do say anything, it can be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to have a lawyer present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you if you so desire." Lance said.

"I don't even know what I did other than help you!" I fought back as I got shoved into the back of of police car.

"You broke into our pagers and came to a crime scene. And this isn't the first time either." He yelled turning away from the closed door. He turned back. "And no, you didn't help us." He gave a small smirk as the car drives off.
Does he mean that was a trap?!

I got the the station and sit in a waiting cell. I was going to go to Jail.... again.

"You're luck I decided to bail you out again missy." The old woman snapped.

I shrugged it off walking out of the Emerald City Police Department.

"You know, one day I'm not going to bail you out! This is the third time you've been to the police station just under my care." The woman snarled.
I didn't pay much attention to her and I continued to the car.

"Are you bored? Is that why you run around trying doing police work? Well if you are bored then you can clean the whole house!" She snapped.

I groaned. There was no point in fighting back.

"Well, well, well. we haven't seen you in.... three months?" Detective Lance asked. "We've missed you. How've you been?" He mouth started to curve into a smirk.

I stayed completely still, emotionless.

"Oh Lance," I said leaning forward placing my cuffed arms on the table. If he wanted me to play bad guy, so be it. "I wouldn't be worrying about me if I was you. I'd be worrying about yourself. You're falling apart again. Starting on the alcohol again....and you're dying aren't you?" I asked.

He groaned and stormed out of the room.


Oliver's POV-
"Oliver!" I heard Roy's voice and I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Yes?" I asked quietly.

"We found Hope, she went out of her house." He said.

"Isn't that suppose to be good?" Laurel interrupted coming down the stairs.

"No...." Felicity added in. "She's at the police station."

"Apparently she's been there a lot in the past. We've found her previous records-" Roy started m.

"I know, I've checked her background. She has tried to help a lot of cities." I muttered. I could tell that didn't fully convince Roy.

"She's a good person, Roy." I assured him.

Before we can say anything, Felicity changed the subject. "So how about we get her out?"

It had been a few months after bailing Hope out. Laurel and Felicity have been trying to help Hope live a normal life, and I've been helping her train.
Which was what I was doing when I hear the door swing open.
I turn around to see Hope coming down the stairs muttering something then pull off her shoes.
"So....how'd your date go?" I couldn't help, but smirk.

"Not one word about it Queen, not one word."

She was wearing a casual dress and high shoes.
"My feet ache so much." She whined. "I am so done with relationships, they can be for the weak."

"C'mon Hope, we all need relationships. Have you ever been in one?" I asked. She shook her head.

"Only the dates that Laurel and Felicity set me up with.....which never ends well for the guy...." She trailed off.

"You can't keep punching your dates." Felicity sighed coming down the stairs.

Hope shrugged. "I still don't like them. I'd rather die alone."

"You don't mean that." I said folding my arms.

"You're right, on second thought, I'd rather die knowing I married my bow and arrows." She hugged her bow and arrows.

I rolled my eyes.

"You'll find your person, Hope, maybe you've just got to look." I shrugged and turned away.
"You should take your own relationship advise Mr. Queen." She said. "I'll be at my house." She took her skateboard and left.
"She's not wrong, you know." Felicity said quietly.

I sighed and head to Queen Consolidated.

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