(4) Party!

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Hey hey hey! (Yeah I'm weird like that) *sassily pretends to flip hair that I don't have* So I just want to say thank you to the people that are being so supportive with comments and votes. So thank you. They helped me through the day! But enough blabber from me! You want to here the chapter! *disappears into the darkness*
(From future author:  2014 me, you are not cool please stop.
      -2016 me)

Roy's POV-

"Are you going to get ready for the party?" I hear Thea asked.

I look up from my computer and nod. It probably wasn't the best time to be searching for people that knew the railroad system at the Queen's dinning table, but we needed to know. Thea walked in front of me and was about to say something, but the door bell rang.

"I'll get it." I suggested closing the computer and getting the door.

"Hi." The girl who we recused said out of breath. I let her in.

"What's your name?" I asked curiously.

"Hope." She nodded.

I waited for her to continue.

"Hope Frost."

I must of had a look that said, 'I still don't know who you are' because she whispered in my ear.

"Blue Arrow."

I could feel my eyes widen.

"Yeah, um I'm here to help with the party."

"Oh, okay yeah come in." I said. I go back in dinning room only to see Thea trying to hack my computer. I snatched it from her and sighed.

"Thea, this is Hope Frost. Hope, this is Thea Qu-"

"I know who she is." Hope said cutting me off with anger in her voice.

"Yeah, we met yesterday I believe." Thea nodded with the same tone as Hope.

"So what's the theme?" Hope asked trying to lighten the mood.

"Heroism, masquerade" I explained.

"Cool, so are you gonna do some police, firefighters,...the vigilante?" Hope asked trying to contain an obvious ironic laugh.

"Yeah." Thea replied.

A couple hours later, the whole house was decorated so Thea and Hope were talking.

"So what are you wearing tonight?" Thea asked. I was glad she was in a better mood.

Hope shrugged.

"Roy," Thea smirked turning to me. "I'm going shopping. I'll meet up with you later." She motioned Hope to follow her.

"Behave!" I yelled after them and they laughed.

Hope's POV-

"What about this one?" Thea asked holding up a large purple puffy dress.

"No-o-o!" I cringed.

"This one?" She held up a short feathery blue dress.

"I think that's the only blue thing I've ever hated." I said honestly. Thea laughs, and holds up a short plain black dress with a red strip across the stomache.

"I-I love it." I stutter shock and go to try it on. I come out and Thea hands me a black mask with a few tiny white plastic gems arund the eyes.

"You look beautiful." She smiled.

"Thanks." I cracked a smile embarrassed.

"Now take them off and give them to me. I'm going to get them as you get dress."


"Don't refuse for me to pay." She ordered and I got changed.

I lot of people showed up. I think Oliver and Roy were already downstairs.

I took a deep breathe and placed my mask on before starting down the stairs. The people downstairs stared luckily a lot couldn't see me because they were in a different room, so I luckily didn't have that much attention.

But of course, Roy, Oliver, Laurel, Thea, and Felicity were right there and watched me slowly walk downstairs in Thea's heels. I rolled my ankle as soon as I got to the bottom, but Oliver caught me.

"Beautiful." Thea smiled and squeezed my shoulder friendly before going to mingle.

"You're fine fighting three guys at once but can't walk in two inch heels?" Oliver whispered laughing at me mockingly.

I laughed nervously. "Never was a girly girl." I shrugged. People were muttering all around us.

"Who's that girl?"

"Why is she here?"

"She just took all the spot lights."

I wasn't a socializer either and I lowered my head with anxiety. Oliver steered me away from the crowd.

"This place looks amazing." He smiled to change the subject. He wore a black tuxedo, and black shoes, no mask.

I nodded.

Oliver opened his mouth to say something ,but Thea interrupted him over the microphone.

"Good evening." Her voice boomed. "Tonight's party is to honor all the poeple who help Starling city. The poilce, fire department, district detrenies, and the vigilante. We are going to have some people come up and talk about how these people have helped them." She smiled and  stepped off. She came over to me.

"You want to say a couple of words?"

"Uh...sure?" I respond questionably and go up. I took off my masquerade mask. People gasped. "Uh...hello? I'm Hope Frost. Um...as most of you saw on the news, I was captured and tormented, but I am very grateful that I was saved by the vigilante, but is that what we are still calling him? Because I find that wrong. The man under the hood might not think he's a hero, but he is, and he's my rolemodel." I state looking over at the handso- green eyes of Oliver queen. "Yeah so...Thank you." Everyone clapped and I quickly got off.

Then more people went up and down taking turns talking to the crowd.

"I'm probably not the best role model." He laughed and I chuckled nervously.

"Do you speak Russian?" I ask out of the blue to hide my awkwardness.

"Это зависит от." He smirked. Which meant; "That depends."

I smiled. "так что вы делали?" Meaning: "So you do?"

He laughed. "How'd you-" He started, but was cut off by a text message.

I watched him read it. "Robbery." He whispered. "Tell Roy, the two of you need to get suited up."

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