(7)Escape of Neverland-Uh I Mean Death.

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((*Sigh*, what if I just stopped the book there? Sorry everyone, she's dead. I am a mass murder. I killed her and now I will stab Oliver Queen in the heart. Oops spoilers? Oh.... I'm sorry, looks like you're going to have to delete this book and cry forever. MAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Don't worry you still love me because I am so lovable........wow that made me sound hotheaded. P.S. I'm obsessed with that outfit above.))


I heard the trigger go off and expected my body to drop to the floor. He laughed manically. I peaked my eyes open only to find myself still alive. He had a nerf gun with nothing in it. I wanted to hit myself for being so stupid. His laughing stopped immediately and he stared coldly at me. "I am The Master. I do not want-no need to kill you that way. I am a hands on criminal." He said pulling out his dagger. I struggled in the chair and then laughed.

"Gosh I feel like I'm in a movie or book." I said and sighed as he came closer.

I undid the zip tie and smashes the chair into his head. "Tha-a-at felt good." I smiled and stretched. I nodded at Oliver.

He started fighting people as I zip-locked Master too tight then round kicked a guy. "Welcome." I winked to the guy I kicked

After Oliver and I let everyone go we quickly ran back to the hide out. I started laughing. "That was fun!"

Felicity looked at me like I'm crazy. "Yes," I pointed to her. "I am crazy."

She sighed clicking her tongue and rolled her eyes back over to the computer.

"I thought you died! You're signal went dead!" Roy pulled me into a hug. I stood there awkwardly.

"O-OK, Red you can get off of me now." I laughed nervously and when he pulled away we quickly turn away from each other. Gosh I was so embarrassed I could feeling my cheeks turning bright red. I heard Oliver laugh.

"Now what?" I asked.

"You can go home for the night." Oliver said.

"O-o-okay...what are you all gonna do?"

"I'm going to stay here." Oliver stated.

"Where's Digg?" I asked.

"He went home to his family."

"Oh..."I said.  I awkwardly pack my quiver and shoved my suit into a bag. Then my quiver with my bow in it. I shuffled out of the door and took a bus to my apartment.

I fell asleep with a tank top and short shorts on which was not my typical outfit. I dreamt about the nimbus two thousand- ((A/N Harry Potter broomstick if you don't know shame on you!))- as bows and arrows.

I woke up to whispering and two shadows casted over me. Without opening my eyes, I grabbed the baseball bat on the floor still partly sleeping and swung.

I heard a high pitch squeak, I jolted awake and dropped the bat. I rubbed my eyes to see Oliver standing in front of me with his arms crossed and a disapproving look. Meanwhile Roy had his back turned to me.

"I'm not going to ask." I sighed.

"My shin!" Roy yelled shocked. He turned back and I could see some blood through his pant leg at the shin. "Sorry." I mumbled and sat down. They both looked at me then I realized what I was wearing.
"Get out!" I panicked pulling my blanket over me. "Right now!" I yelled. I heard the door shut and sighed. I pulled jeans and a plaid shirt on with a silver arrow ring. I walked out of my room.

"First, how'd you get in here? And second, what did you need so badly to wake me?" I rose my voice.
"Work has to be done, Hope." Oliver said. "We have to find Master and-"

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