Chapter Two

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Chapter Two-

I scream and my phone drops out of my hand onto the ground a story down when I feel two large cold hands grip my waist. I feel a hot breath on the back of my neck and in a cold voice he whispers,
"Relax, because you'll be scared later."

Willow's pov

I scream at the top of my lungs and struggle in his iron grip. I throw meaningless punches and kicks in his direction.
"Ah ah ah, I've got the Gem, the Jewel of Gotham City is mine now!"
He starts laughing loudly and keeps his hold on me.
"THE POLICE ARE COMING YOU KNOW!!" I scream loudly as if anyone but us could hear right now.
"I can handle the pathetic police if I can handle Batsy pretty well."
"And you think he won't come?!" My arms are pinned down by his and all I can do is kick.
"For you? No. You may be the most beautiful woman on the streets but he has much bigger problems." He whispers quietly in my ear.
"No, I meant for you!" I practically squeal.
His breath hitches and that's when I take my chance. I kick back into his shin and headbutt him with back of my head and he lets go of me with a groan. I take this short freedom from his hands to escape.
I lunge out the window and instantly regret it, anything to get away from the Joker though. I land and hear a loud cracking sound.
"AAAAAAAAGGGGHH!" I scream in agony at the pain in my knee. I start crawling knowing that I broke something around that area. I quickly make my way to the front of the house and see police cars, I cry out to them.
Two of them turn their attention while a couple others run into the house. The two run over to me and carry me to one of the police cars. They sit me inside the back of one with my legs outside the car and a medic rushes over. As the medic fixes my leg the police ask me questions.
"Is anyone else here with you besides the Joker?"
"No." I respond blankly.
"Do you know why he is after you?"
"You're Willow Creak I assume. I don't need anymore answers from you now. Thank you. Just get better, I'll have an officer drive you to the station to keep you safe."
I nod and he walks away. An ear piercing scream is heard from in the building and everyone freezes. An officer rushes over to the car and jumps in. The medic runs to the ambulance and we are suddenly driving away.
Nervously I run my hand through my wavy light brown hair and clench my teeth. We make it on the highway when we hear a couple of gunshots causing me to squeal. I turn my head around and see a purple car catching up to us at an alarming rate.
The cop picks up the speed and starts talking into his walkie talkie. The car starts making screeching sounds and the cop talks into his device again.
"He shot our tires! Get backup now!"
The car stops at the inability to drive without tires and skids across the road. I start having a panic attack and I clutch my chest at the pain. He Rams into the back of the police car and we both scream, I hit my head on the seat in front of me but the officer doesn't get such a lucky fate.
I feel dizzy but I push past it and lean forwards to see the officer. His head is laying on the wheel and with dripping down his face. I open the little window dividing us and feel tears well up in my eyes. Okay okay okay... My mother taught me how to use a gun.
I shove the upper half of my body through the hole but I can not manage to get my hips in. I reach forward and cringe as I search him for a weapon, I find his gun luckily so I grab it and sit back down in the back. I check the gun for ammo and I sneak out of the other side of the car.
"Oh Willow! I thought we stopped playing this game of hide and seek." He says in a slightly frustrated tone.
I lay down behind the car and ready the gun.  His footsteps can be heard from the other side of the car and I listen as he opens the door.
"You're not in here~"
He closes the door but his footsteps stop. I look under the car and watch him. His knees crack when he does something I was hoping so hard for him not to do, he bends down. What am I going to do now?! I see his face once he reaches the ground a smile tugs at his lips.
I jump up to run but before I know it he has already jumped over the car and wrapped his arms around my torso to pin my arms to my side with his own.
"You even have your own weapon! Kids grow up so fast..." He chuckles darkly. "Give it to me."
I nod and he takes one arm away from me and puts his hand out. I move the gun with the barrel facing his hand and feel myself trembling.
"It's already loaded..." I mutter as he quickly tried to snatch the gun from me
I look at his hand in horror. I shot him. I shot him. He lets go of me and takes deep shaky breaths.
"I thought you were smarter than that..."
I back up slowly away from the bloody mess. I look at the ground and see Crimson dripping from him and dripping towards me. I watch as the thick liquid touches my bare feet and I feel myself become dizzy. I have never ever liked blood. I look up and see him stand up straight as he starts walking towards me.
I raise the gun again and point it at his head. He stops in his tracks and smiles widely.
"We both know you wouldn't do this. So don't even try and scare me." He walks forwards with his hands out reaching for the gun.
He just keeps advancing,
"HANDS IN THE AIR JOKER!" We both turn our attention to the large group of cops with guns pointed at him. He does as told and keeps his smile.
"Let's talk about this boys."
He slowly starts crouching down but he springs up and rips the gun from my hands. He grips my wrist and puts an arm around my neck while pushing my back to him. He points the gun to my head and calmly states, "Now now boys, we wouldn't want this beautiful girl to pay because of you. Now would we?"
I claw at his arms which has no use. He starts moving us towards his car while the police halt fire.
"Put your weapons down on the ground and hands behind your heads. I don't need any more work. She already gave me that."
They put their weapons on the ground and move their hands behind their heads.
"Now on your knees and turn around."
They follow his command once more and turn around while kneeling. The Joker opens the passenger seat and throws me in. He goes to the driver's and hops in.
"Let this be a lesson, not to try and stop me next time."
He shoots one of the cops in the head and I look away cringing. He closes his door and speeds away, I glance down at his hand on the wheel and see a bullet sized hole which looks quite painful.
He has terrifying facial features. His skin is just so pale and... Just makes me wonder what happened. It's not necessarily ugly just... Odd.
"It's not nice to stare dear."
I look at his eyes and see him looking at me. I turn my head away from him and to the window. How am I going to escape...
"Already thinking of an escape plan? You're not too hard to figure out. Why don't you just settle down with me doll?"
I decide not to answer. I don't want to say something that could possibly aggravate him.
I'll act nice and abide by his rules at first and gain his trust. Then, Joker better get ready for a visit from a little Bat I know.

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