Chapter Three

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       I'll act nice and abide by his rules at first and gain his trust. Then, Joker better get ready for a visit from a little Bat I know.

Willow's pov

        I stand behind the Joker as he opens the door to his home... Mansion. He holds the door for me and smiles at me with a sickening grin. I look at the ground and shuffle past him.
       "Do you know how to tend to wounds?"
       "S-sort of..."
       "Well you're gonna have to."
       The door closes and locks then the purple coated man walks in front of me to only stand there.
     "Look at me."
     Nodding slowly I hesitantly raise my head to meet his gaze. He holds his hand up for me to see and I see the hole I shot in him. I can see the bullet still in the middle of his hand. I gulp at the sight and avert my eyes.
       "It hurts like hell. And guess who caused it?"
        "Exactly, so you're going to fix it, or be ready to die."
     I feel a strong hand grip my wrist and I'm dragged down the halls of his purple based mansion. I look at the hand and then to the back of his head. I wonder where his Harley went... I've heard stories of her in the news...
       One story was that a cop was held at gun point by the Joker while Harley kissed the so called, 'Mistah J'. They were partners in crime but one day they said that Harley Quinn was put into a mental facility... I seriously doubt that but I don't know.
      Our walk comes to a halt as Joker opens a door for us. He drags me in and slams the door shut behind us. He lets go of me and I take a quick look around the room.
      Medicine cabinets full of different type of medicines. All of the cabinets and such are lined around the rim of the room and in the center of the room is a metal table covered in red stains. Moonlight shines in from the large window on the opposite side of the room.
        He walks over to the table and sits on it, watches me.
        "Find some medicines or something. Whatever you need to fix this."
        I nod and look around the room, "D-do you know where anything i-is?"
         He mumbles out an answer while poking at his hand, "No... I never did that type of thing, she did."
        So this was one of Harley's jobs I see. This room will be good if I need to knock someone out. Maybe there are some sleeping pills for that job. There has to be some surgical tools to hurt people in here as well. But that'll be a last resort if it comes to that.
        I limp around the room and glance through the glass doors of the cabinets as I pass them and walk around the perimeter of the room. I don't really know if I use alcohol or gauze for this. I'll use gauze because the alcohol would hurt too much for anyone. Noted for later. I spot a tube with a familiar label on it and I open the cabinet. I grab it and read some of the labels, "Gauze for deep wounds".
        This it is then. I close the cabinet and look back to Joker. He eyes me as I continue walking. He meets my gaze and his smile drops, "Hurry up will ya?!"
         I start limping faster around the room and see some bandages. I open the cabinet and grab the white rolled up unused bandages. I keep limping around to see if there is something to take the bullet out. I see a small table in the corner with a wooden chair tucked into it like a desk. It has a bunch of bloody tools on it and I grab the tweezers. I'll need something to clean this with. I run back to where I saw the alcohol and grab it from the cabinet. I spot a clean white rag underneath the shelf it was placed and grab it. I made sure to get extra gauze and bandages for my leg.
       I limp back to the chair and place all of the things on it. I drag it with me to the metal table with the insane criminal placed there. I move all of the items next to him and sit on the chair. There is not a lot of light but I have good eyesight so I can see in the moon lit room.
       "Finally done?"
       I nod and grab the tweezers and alcohol. I hold the tweezers over the rag and open the bottle of rubbing alcohol. I pour the liquid on the tool and listen to the man next to me.
         "I'm surprised I didn't do this sooner! I like you. You're interesting and everyone wants to have you!"
        I finish sterilizing the tweezers and I beckon for his hand which he places on mine. I lightly hold it with my non dominant hand and I hold the tweezers with my dominant one.
        "I have what everyone wants now!" The sentence sends chills down my spine.
         I proceed to remove the bullet with the tweezers and I hear a light hiss from him as It touches his flesh but he continues with his rambles,
"I have one of the most prized possession of Gotham now! I remember how on the news it said you had saved that drunk man from being shot to death. That time when it said you helped a lost little boy find his mother!"
       I pull the bullet out and watch his face. He presses his lips together and furrows his eyebrows that are not actually there, and he wrinkles his nose. I put the bullet on the rag and let go of his hand momentarily as I grab the tube of gauze,
"I remember it said you had found a crucial piece of evidence to find a wanted assassin."
       I grab his hand again and start applying the gauze to his wound as I listen to him talk about all of my good deeds or as I like to say, achievements.
       "Started a fund raiser for the orphanage, Batsy would've been proud."
         I finish with the gauze and put it down, I grab the wrap and start wrapping his hand.
        He takes a deep breath and I hear some quiet laughter from him. I finish the wrap and look up at him as he moves his stare from the area in front of him to me. I start readying bandages and gauze for myself,
        "And that's why,"
       He leans down and whispers in my ear, "I just needed to have you for my own."

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